Description: 1608 2.4G&2.5GHz Band Pass Filter PART NUMBER: BPF1608LM02R2400A Features: Applications: WLAN, 802.11a/b/g/n Compact size : 1.6x0.8x0.6mm Bluetooth RoHS compliant ISM Band ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION VALUE Pass Band 2400-2500 MHz Impedance 50 Ohm 1.7 dB (Max) at 25C Insertion Loss 2.0 dB (Max) at 40~+85 C 2.0 (Max) V.S.W.R / Return-Loss / 10.0 dB (Min) 30dB (Min). 880~915 MHz 25dB (Min). 1710~1785 MHz Attenuation 25dB (Min). 1850~1910 MHz 25dB (Min). 4800~5000 MHz 25dB (Min). 7200~7500 MHz Ripple 0.50dB Operating Temperature -40~+85 In the effort to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes judged to be necessary. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Pulse Electronics, Inc. (Pulse) and is protected by copyright, trade secret and other state and federal laws. Its receipt or possession does not convey any rights to reproduce, disclose its contents, or to manufacture, use or sell anything it may describe. Reproduction, disclosure or use without specific written authorization of Pulse is strictly forbidden. For more information: Pulse Worldwide Headquarters Pulse/Larsen Antennas Europe Headquarters Pulse (Suzhou) Wireless Products Co, Inc. 1 th th 15255 Innovation Drive 100 18110 SE 34 St Bldg 2 Suite 250 Pulse GmbH & Do, KG 99 Huo Ju Road( 29 Bldg,4 Phase San Diego, CA 92128 Vancouver, WA 98683 Zeppelinstrasse 15 Suzhou New District Jiangsu Province, Suzhou 215009 PR China USA USA Herrenberg, Germany - Tel: 86 512 6807 9998 Tel:1-858-674-8100 Tel: 1-360-944-7551 Tel: 49 7032 7806 0 Description: 1608 2.4G&2.5GHz Band Pass Filter PART NUMBER: BPF1608LM02R2400A MECHANICAL DIMENSION Outline Mechanical Termination Terminal name Function Dimension L (mm) 1.60 0.15 P1 Input W (mm) 0.80 0.15 P2 Output T (mm) 0.60 0.15 G1 GND GND P (mm) 0.40 0.15 G2 C (mm) 0.50 0.15 G (mm) 0.60 0.15 E (mm) 0.15 0.10 F (mm) 0.15 0.10 Reference design of EVB Line width should be designed to match 50 characteristic impedance, depending on PCB material and thickness. In the effort to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes judged to be necessary. 2 CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Pulse Electronics, Inc. (Pulse) and is protected by copyright, trade secret and other state and federal laws. Its receipt or possession does not convey any rights to reproduce, disclose its contents, or to manufacture, use or sell anything it may describe. Reproduction, disclosure or use without specific written authorization of Pulse is strictly forbidden.