The O705024MEDA4SC with SMD Oscillators (XO) 24MHz ±20ppm SMD-7050_4P RoHS is a surface-mount oscillator manufactured by Yangxing. It is designed to provide a stable, low-cost clock source for consumer electronic devices. It operates at 24MHz with a tolerance of ±20ppm and a frequency stability of 0.1ppm/g. The operating voltage range is 5V and the operating temperature range is from -40 to 85 C. It has a balanced frequency stability over voltage, temperature, and control voltage. It has an integrated crystal load capacitor, an automatic trimming circuit, and low jitter output. The O705024MEDA4SC is RoHS compliant and can be used in a variety of applications including general-purpose clock, communication equipment, data processing, and other digital logic.