The MDT10F685S20 is an Other Processors and Microcontrollers (MCUs) SOP20 RoHS manufactured by Yspring. It is a 16-bit 8051 Core Microcontroller with 1K Bytes of Flash Memory and 32K Bytes of On-Chip SRAM. It also features 22 I/O Ports, a Full Speed 12 MHz USB 2.0, 4 Standard 16-bit Timers, a System Clock and Watchdog Timer, as well as integrated UART, I2C, SPI, ADC and LCD Interfaces. Additionally, the device features a variety of power saving modes, such as the popular BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) and PD (Power Down) Modes. With its low operating voltage, it is ideal for battery-powered applications. Furthermore, the MDT10F685S20 is RoHS Compliant and is UL Recognized.