The CI2012AR10K with Inductors (SMD) 0805 RoHS is an electronic part manufactured by Zhenhua Fu, a Chinese component manufacturer. It is a SMD (Surface Mount Device) inductor with a 0805 (8mm x 0.5mm) footprint, suitable for mounting on a printed circuit board (PCB). The part has RoHS certifications, meaning it is free from hazardous substances, making it more environmentally friendly. The CI2012AR10K has an inductance value of 10K and an inductance tolerance of +/-10%. It is a high-performance part, with a low DC resistance of 0.009 ohms, a high saturation current of 4.5A, and a high Q-factor of at least 150. Finally, the CI2012AR10K has a storage temperature range of -40°C to +125°C, making it a good-quality, reliable and durable choice.