
Customer service policies, including usual delivery timeframes and the process if you cannot fulfil the order for any reason. You must advise your customers within two business days if goods are not available.

X-On Electronics is committed to providing exceptional customer service and quality products. We endeavour to make sure that all products listed on our website are currently in stock and pricing is true and correct. Standard delivery timeframes are specified against each line item; in the event that an ordered item is not available or we are unable to fulfil your order we will notify you within 2 business days to arrange an agreeable alternative item, a backorder or a full refund.

Customer Data Policy

X-On Electronics is dedicated to keeping your details private. Any information we collect in relation to you is kept strictly secured. We do not pass on, sell or swap any of your personal details with anyone. We use this information to identify your orders, provide you with our monthly newsletter (if applicable) and to personalise your shopping experience with us. X-On Electronics uses cookies to make certain parts of the Site function correctly. A cookie is a small data file transferred by a website to user computer’s hard drive. The Site sends cookies when (among other occasions) user visits, makes a purchase, requests or personalizes information, or registers for the Site. A cookie cannot read personal data off a user’s hard disk or read cookie files created by other websites; the only Identifiable Information a cookie can contain is information a user supplies. Although user can still browse and search for products on the Site, user must have cookies enabled in order to add items to user’s shopping cart or to create/log into a XON account . Cookies also allow us to give you a more personalised shopping experience by displaying products that interest you throughout our product pages, thus providing you with a more friendly, interesting and enjoyable shopping experience.

Whenever you use our web site, or any other web site, the computer on which the web pages are stored (the Web server) needs to know the network address of your computer so that it can send the requested web pages to your Internet browser. The unique network address of your computer is called its "IP address," and is sent automatically each time you access any Internet site. From a computer's IP address, it is possible to determine the general geographic location of that computer but otherwise it is anonymous.

We do not keep a record of the IP addresses from which users access our site except where you have specifically provided us with information about yourself, in which case we also record your IP address for security purposes. An example of this would be when proceeding to a checkout to finalise an order you may wish to make. After completing the form provided, your IP address will be stored along with a transaction number that allows us to track your order.

Security capabilities and policy for transmission of payment card details

When purchasing from X-On Electronics your financial details are passed through a secure server using the latest 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology.128-bit SSL encryption is the current industry standard. If you have any questions regarding our security policy, please contact our customer support centre.

Looking for help? Visit our FAQ's Section to answer to all your questions


X-ON Worldwide Electronics

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For over three decades, we have been advocating and shaping the electronic components industry. Our management complements our worldwide business scope and focus. We are committed to innovation, backed by a strong business foundation. If you need a trustworthy supplier of electronic components for your business – look no further.

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Please ensure you have read and understood our Terms & Conditions before purchasing.
All prices exclude GST.

Image for all the cards that are accepted Image for all the cards that are accepted Image for all the cards that are accepted Image for all the cards that are accepted Image for all the cards that are accepted