Spectrum Analyzer
Spectrum analyzers enable users to analyse the frequency spectrum of radio and audio signals. This analysis enables you to uncover elements of the signal and learn how the circuit that produces them is performing. Specturn analyzers can measure a variety of metrics and are predominantly used as a piece of electronic test equipment.
What are the different types of spectrum analyzer?
There are four types of spectrum analyzers: sweet spectrum analyzers, fast fourier transform (FFT) analyzers, real-time analyzers, and audio spectrum analyzers. Spectrum analyzers can either be for benchtop use, portable, handheld, or networked.
What is the difference between an oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer?
Oscilloscopes display signals in a context of time and are used to find the time differential between two signals. In contrast, a spectrum analyzer looks at the properties, such as the frequency, of a signal.
What is an optical spectrum analyzer?
While traditional spectrum analyzers measure sound signals, optical spectrum analyzers are used for measuring optical elements, and are often used to measure and categorize light sources like LEDs and lasers.
What is a WiFi spectrum analyzer?
A WiFi spectrum analyzer is used to find signals that may negatively influence WiFi performance and help you to eliminate them to maximize the strength of your WiFi signal.