ASK A 3M EXPERT February, 2015 3M Self-Extinguishing Hot Melt Adhesive 3748 VO Product Description 3M Hot Melt Adhesive 3748 VO is a tough, exible, thermoplastic hot melt, 100% solids adhesive which exhibits good peel adhesion and thermal shock properties along with higher heat resistance. It features excellent electrical properties which make it ideal for use on printed wiring board and other electronic bonding applications. Hot Melt Adhesive 3748 VO is self-extinguishing and has a UL 94 VO rating. In addition to electronic applications, it is also useful in many general industrial bonding and sealing applications where a self- extinguishing characteristic is required. Product Features Excellent Adhesion Good Electrical Properties Non Corrosive to Metal3M Self-Extinguishing Hot Melt Adhesive 3748 VO Technical Information Note The following technical information and data should be considered representative or typical only and should not be used for speci cation purposes. Typical Uncured Physical Properties Property Values Color Light Yellow Base Resin Polyole n Typical Cured Characteristics Shore D Hardness: 26 Conditions Dwell/Cure Time: 60 min Room Temperature Methods ASTM D2240 Corrosion Method Environmental Condition Notes Pass No electrolytic corrosion. ASTM D3482 35C (95F)/96% R.H./45V d.c./15 days Pass No electrolytic corrosion. 3M C708 45C(113F)/96% R.H./250V d.c./5 Test involves placing two 36 AWG (.005 ) Very minor surface oxidation of days oxygen free bare copper wires on clean 1 x 4 test wire. glass slides in xed position 1/4 apart. Adhesive is coated over the wires and over the area between the wires in a uniform manner and cured/set. The test specimen is then subjected to 45C / 96% relative humidity / 250 volts d.c. for 5 days. The aged specimen is then visually examined for corrosion/attack of the copper surface Pass No aluminum, brass or steel Mil S-46163 10 days Room Tempterature corrosion or discoloration. Property: Corrosion Typical Performance Characteristics Solvent Resistance Environmental Condition A Immersed in Acetone one hour B Immersed in Acetone 30 days A Immersed in Isopropyl Alcohol one hour B Immersed in Isopropyl Alcohol 30 days B Immersed in Freon TF one hour C Immersed in Freon TF 30 days B Immersed in Freon TMC one hour C Immersed in Freon TMC 30 days B Immersed In 1, 1, 1 - Trichloroethane one hour Table continued on next page