EN Revision nr.12 ACC Silicones LTD Dated 12/02/2016 Printed on 12/02/2016 Page n. 1 / 7 SILCOSET 105 Safety data sheet SECTION 1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Product identifier Product name SILCOSET 105 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Intended use Silicone encapsulant. 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Name ACC Silicones LTD Full address Amber House Showground Road District and Country TA6 6AJBridgwater (Somerset) England Tel. +44(0)1278411400 Fax +44(0)1278411444 e-mail address of the competent person responsible for the Safety Data Sheet sean.stoodley acc-silicones.com 1.4. Emergency telephone number For urgent inquiries refer to For all enquiries except Sweden: +44(0)1278411400 Sweden: Ring 112 vid intrffade frgiftningstillbud och begr giftinformation - dygnet runt. Ring 08-331231 i mindre brdskande fall - dygnet runt. Allmnna och frebyggande frgor om akuta frgiftningar besvaras vardagar kl 9-17. SECTION 2. Hazards identification. 2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture. The product is not classified as hazardous pursuant to the provisions set forth in EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) (and subsequent amendments and supplements). Hazard classification and indication: -- 2.2. Label elements. Hazard pictograms: -- Signal words: -- -- Hazard statements: Precautionary statements: -- 2.3. Other hazards. On the basis of available data, the product does not contain any PBT or vPvB in percentage greater than 0,1%. SECTION 3. Composition/information on ingredients. 3.1. Substances. Information not relevant. EPY 9.1.10 - SDS 1003EN Revision nr.12 ACC Silicones LTD Dated 12/02/2016 Printed on 12/02/2016 Page n. 2 / 7 SILCOSET 105 ... / >> SECTION 3. Composition/information on ingredients. 3.2. Mixtures. The product does not contain substances classified as being hazardous to human health or the environment pursuant to the provisions Regulation (EU) 1272/2008 (CLP) (and subsequent amendments and supplements) in such quantities as to require the statement. SECTION 4. First aid measures. 4.1. Description of first aid measures. No episodes of harm to the staff authorised to use the product have been reported. The following general measures should be adopted as necessary: INHALATION: Remove to open air. If the subject stops breathing, administer artificial respiration. Get medical advice/attention. INGESTION: Get medical advice/attention. Induce vomiting only if indicated by the doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. EYES and SKIN: Wash with plenty of water. In the event of persistent irritation, get medical advice/attention. 4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed. No episodes of damage to health ascribable to the product have been reported. 4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed. Information not available. SECTION 5. Firefighting measures. 5.1. Extinguishing media. SUITABLE EXTINGUISHING EQUIPMENT Extinguishing substances are: carbon dioxide, foam, chemical powder. For product loss or leakage that has not caught fire, water spray can be used to disperse flammable vapours and protect those trying to stem the leak. UNSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING EQUIPMENT Do not use jets of water. Water is not effective for putting out fires but can be used to cool containers exposed to flames to prevent explosions. 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture. HAZARDS CAUSED BY EXPOSURE IN THE EVENT OF FIRE Excess pressure may form in containers exposed to fire at a risk of explosion. Do not breathe combustion products. 5.3. Advice for firefighters. GENERAL INFORMATION Use jets of water to cool the containers to prevent product decomposition and the development of substances potentially hazardous for health. Always wear full fire prevention gear. Collect extinguishing water to prevent it from draining into the sewer system. Dispose of contaminated water used for extinction and the remains of the fire according to applicable regulations. SPECIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE-FIGHTERS Normal fire fighting clothing i.e. fire kit (BS EN 469), gloves (BS EN 659) and boots (HO specification A29 and A30) in combination with self-contained open circuit positive pressure compressed air breathing apparatus (BS EN 137). SECTION 6. Accidental release measures. 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures. Block the leakage if there is no hazard. Wear suitable protective equipment (including personal protective equipment referred to under Section 8 of the safety data sheet) to prevent any contamination of skin, eyes and personal clothing. These indications apply for both processing staff and those involved in emergency procedures. 6.2. Environmental precautions. The product must not penetrate into the sewer system or come into contact with surface water or ground water. 6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up. Collect the leaked product into a suitable container. Evaluate the compatibility of the container to be used, by checking section 10. Absorb the remainder with inert absorbent material. Make sure the leakage site is well aired. Check incompatibility for container material in section 7. Contaminated material should be disposed of in compliance with the provisions set forth in point 13. 6.4. Reference to other sections. Any information on personal protection and disposal is given in sections 8 and 13. EPY 9.1.10 - SDS 1003