1. UART INTERFACE 1.1. Interface instructions The UART and High Speed UART interface of VC0706 is based on the design of standard UART interface. It can be connected to the serial communication ports of a PC and an external MCU. VC0706 supports RXD and TXD,but not support the all pins that are related to MODEM functions. Using Serial communicate Protocol,we can get information of vc0706 or control it,such as taking photo ,reading photo ,etc. 1.1.1.UART Interface pins Out of the Serial Communication, the UART and High Speed UART interface pins of VC0706 and GPIO pins are in common. Pin No. GPIO UART Instructions 76 GPIO0 UART TX Send data through VC0706 UART interface 77 GPIO1 UART RX Receive data through VC0706 UART interface 80 GPIO14 HSUART TX Send data through VC0706 HS UART interface 81 GPIO15 HSUART RX Receive data through VC0706 HS UART interface 1.1.2.Select Serial Communication Interface VC0706 supports three interfaces, UART, HS UART, SPI, communication with the external MCU.But whenever, only one can be used as the main communication interface to control system. UART is VC0706 default interface, if using other interfaces as the main communication interface, it is necessary to set some specified values in EEPROM or SPI Flash. Address: 0x0007 Length: 1 byte Interface configuration value UART 0x01 HS UART 0x02 SPI 0x03 1.1.3.UART baud rate setting About VC0706 UART baud rate, the default is 38400, the highest is 115200, it can be set by the specified values in EEPROM or SPI Flash. Address: 0x0008 Length: 2 bytes baud rate configuration value 9600 0xAEC819200 0x56E4 38400 0x2AF2 57600 0x1C4C 115200 0x0DA6 1.1.4.HS UART baud rate setting About VC0706 baud rate, the default is 115200, the highest is 921600, it can be HS UART set by the specified values in EEPROM or SPI Flash. Address: 0x000A Length: 4 bytes baud rate configuration value 38400 0x002B 0x03C8 57600 0x001D 0x0130 115200 0x000E 0x0298 460800 0x0003 0x02A6 921600 0x0001 0x0353 1.2.Communication Protocol Communication Protocol format are as follows Receive command format Protocol sign1byte+Serial number1byte+Command1byte+Data-lengths1byte +Data0~16bytes Return command format Protocol sign1byte+Serial number1byte+Command1byte+Status1byte+Data- lengths1byte+Data0~16bytes Protocol sign it marks that the protocol is VC0706 Serial Communication Protocol, the receive sign is 0x56( V ), return sign is 0x76( v ). Serial number it specify one device when there are serval devices in communication at the same time,the value of this byte range from 0 to 255 . Command it marks a special command. Data-lengths it shows the data lengths behind itself., not include Protocol sign, Serial number, Command, Data length. Data used in commands, every command has different data lengths and format, range from 0 to 16 bytes. S his byte shows whether the receive command is right or wrong , 0 is right, others are tatus t wrong. Status code Error instructions 0 Executing command right. 1 System don t receive the command. 2 The data-length is error.