N o. SK065068A Cu s t ome r: Date: 2006- 07- 20 ALPS EUROPE DISTRIBUTION Attention: Your ref.No. : Your Part No. : SSSS91B600 SPECIFICATION ALPS STSSS9132 MODEL: Spec. No. : SSSS9-S-501 Sample No. : F3291304M RECEIPT STATUS RECEIVED By Date S i gnature Name Title K. dsg d Tomita ALPS d K.ITO ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD. ENG. DEPT.DIVISION Sales Head Office l-7,Yukigaya-otsuka-cho,0ta-ku,Tokyo.145-8501 Japan Phone.+81 3)3726-1211 (SI) PABE PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS TITLE BOCEHEKT Ho. 1/5 SSSS9-S-501 BACKGROUND 1.1 Application iSfflitllffl This specification is applied to low current circuit (Secondary circnit)J1 *8j f or o1*6 equipieat. 1.2 Operating texperature range OBfflfflBBffl : -40 ~ 85 C 1.3 Storage teaperature ranse RtfffilftKH : -40 85*C 1 4 Teat conditions KSttflB Unless otherwise specified, the atmospheric conditions for naktng nsasureaents and tests are as follows. Aabient teaperaturo & K: 5~35-C Relative huaidlty fttfSfi: 45~MX Air pressure S: 86~10ftPa (* Should any doubt arise in judgeient, tests shall be conducted at the following conditions. Aibient tesperature ffl R: Z02*C Relative huaidity 8fflflt: 60-70% Airpressare ft E: 8S~10&Pa 2.Appearance, construction and dimensions Switch shall have good finishing, and no rust, crack or plating failures. 2.1 Appearance JUB Eefer to individual product drawing. 2.2 Construction and dimensions Wig. tf 12 V DC 0.1 A (Bssistive 3,EaJing &fc Maxiaua rating 12 V BC 0.5 A (Eesistive 1 V DC lOuA (Eesistive load)(Kflfif) Hinima rating 4. Electrical specification Criteria g ffi Test conditions Iteca 81 a = 30 bO HUE Shall be ceasured at 1 Ub200 Ht (20 bV MAX. 50 A KM) or 1 A, S V DS by 4.1 Contact resistance voltage drop isthod. 1 Uh200 Hi, ttE 20 lV UTx *S 50 aA DC 5V, U 100 MO M1H Test voltage: SCO V VC, easured after 1 ifn 5 s 4.2 Insulation Applied position: Between all teninals resistance Between teroinals and ground(freBe) JfittffiK DC 500 V No dielectric breakdown shall occur. Test voltage : 500 V AC (50~60H, cut-off current 2 A> Voltage proof 4.3 Duration: 1 iin Applied position: Between all tercinals Between terainals and ground(fraae) AC 500 V (SO-6OH1, tt 2 bA) Ofllfft lffBf8 ttSBB. ffl 7V/-Z>DBC Refer to individual product drawing. 4.4 Changeover tiaing 5. Mechanical specification Criteria Test coaditieas K K ft tt Hens IB B Eefer to individual product drawing. A static load shall be applied to the root of actuator in operating direction. Operating force S.I Shall be free froa terninal looseness, shall be applied to the Up of terminal in a Robustness of A static load of 3 S.2 damage and breakage of terminal holding desired direction for 1 sin. The test shall be dons once per tersinal. ternnil portion. Teminals say be bent after test m * r Electrical perfomance requirement speci fied in ilra 4 shall be satisfied. ifc. CHKD. I DSGP. AFfO. EZ &/ ilX R.K M.K S. S.T H.K JuneB 93 EE Kanada MEKGfcoiM) DATE AFPD CHKB DS6D PAGE ISYIB BACKG APPD CHKD PAGE ALPS ELECTRIC CO..LTD.