THIRD ANGLE PROJ. REVISIONS NOTES: 1. MATERIALS AND FINISH: REV DESCRIPTION DATE ECO APPR BODY - BRASS, WHITE BRONZE PLATING A RELEASE TO MFG. 3/22/16 00201 KCE CONTACT - BRASS , SILVER PLATING INSULATOR - PTFE, NATURAL 2. ELECTRICAL: A. IMPEDANCE:50 OHM B. FREQUENCY RANGE: DC-6 GHz C. VSWR 1.08 MAX DC - 4GHz D. DIELECTRIC WITHSTANDING VOLTAGE:2500 VRMS. MIN. E. INTERMODULATION 3RD ORDER -165 dBc MAX.(2*43 dBm ) 3. MECHANICAL: A. DURABILITY:500 CYCLES MIN. B. TEMPERATURE RANGE:-65 C TO +165 C SCALE 1.000 M20XP1.0-6H 24 ON FALTS M29XP1.5-6H 33.78 31.75 40.9 REF. CUSTOMER OUTLINE DRAWING ALL OTHER SHEETS ARE FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE IN METRIC AND TOLERANCES ARE: MATERIAL DATE DRAWN TITLE <0.5mm 0.5 - 6mm 6 - 30mm 30 - 120mm ANGLES 25-Nov-14 JEKY.C Amphenol RF - 7/16 PLUG TO 4.3-10 Danbury CT USA, Tainan, Taiwan, Shenzhen, China NOTICE - These drawings, specifications, or other data (1) are, and remain the ENGINEER DATE property of Amphenol corp. (2) must be returned upon requiest and (3) arre 25-Nov-14 PLUG GRADE 2 ADAPTOR confidential and not to be disclosed to any person other than those to whom they are given by Amphenol Corp. the funishing of these drawings, specifications, or REFERENCE APPROVED DATE other data by Amphenol Corp., or to any other person to anyone for any purpose is DRAWING NO.716M-4310M-ATS AND not to be regarded by implicatioin or otherwise in any manner licensing, granting SCALE: 3.0:1.0 SHEET 2 OF 2 rights to permitting such holder or any other sperson to manufacture, use or sell any ITEM NO. 07F-88M-AB-5-F CONFIGURATION LEVEL: product, process or design, patented or otherwsie, that may in any way be related to DWG SIZE CAD FILE REV or disclosed by said drawings, specifications, or other data. PART NO. FINISH B AX-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for RF Adapters - Between Series category: Click to view products by Amphenol manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 5945-9503-000 MCX/F-SMA/M R192417010 ADBJ20-E1-BJ379 ADM2 ADPL75-A1-PL75 242191 9317505 AD130 ADBJ20-E1-PL74 ADBJ77-E1-UPL20 ADRMF370 242190 242215 242228 R125680000W R192430000 UAD95 1057367-1 8311505 R114704000 R451034500 R451030500 R451543000 HDVDPN ADBJ20-K1-PL20 R451570000 R192419000 R451034000 J9 J3WE-5 R451032500 242201RP 17K132-K00S5 03K719-S22S3 AD-RSMAF-RTNC 53K156-K00N5 53K160-KIMN1 02K119-K00E3 29S132-K01N5 53S156- K00N5 02S119-S00E3 28K132-K00N5 02S109-K00S3 27-8200TP 242235 ADBJ20-E1-BJ89 ADP-SMAF-MMCXM 000-2900 321-102- 003 (SMA-50/2-H155/W1.03 AU)