X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of M3933/25-74N Attenuators across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. M3933/25-74N Attenuators are a product manufactured by Amphenol. We provide cost-effective solutions for Attenuators, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

M3933/25-74N Amphenol

M3933/25-74N electronic component of Amphenol
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Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No.M3933/25-74N
Manufacturer: Amphenol
Category: Attenuators
Description: Fixed Attenuator 18GHz Tray
Datasheet: M3933/25-74N Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 170.118 ea
Line Total: USD 170.12 
Availability - 63
Ship by Thu. 02 Jan to Wed. 08 Jan
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Thu. 02 Jan to Wed. 08 Jan
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 170.118

Ship by Thu. 02 Jan to Wed. 08 Jan
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 170.118

Product Category
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the M3933/25-74N from our Attenuators category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the M3933/25-74N and other electronic components in the Attenuators category and beyond.

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Attenuators (QPL) MIL-DTL-3933 Qualified (QPL) Av a i la b l e i n b ot h N o n -S cr e e n e d a n d E m e r s o n C o n n e c t i v i t y S o l u t i o ns , M i d w e s t M i cr o w ave p r o d u c t l i n e S cr e e n e d ve r si o ns of Q uali fi e d Par t s L is t (Q P L) at t e nuato r s ar e quali fi e d, manu f a c t ur e d a n d t e s t e d to t h e s t r i c t r e q u i r e m e nt s of t h e M I L- DT L- M3933 p r o d u c t 10 0 % t e s t e d to M3933 r e q u i r e m e nt s sp e ci fi c a t i o n . O u r Q P L l i n e of M3933/14, /16, /17 a n d /25 SM A a n d T N C D e si g n e d fo r Ha r sh E nv i r o n m e nt / a t t e n ua to r s a r e r u g g e dl y co ns t r u c t e d to m e e t yo u r p e r fo r ma n ce n e e ds i n M i li t ar y A p p li c at i o ns t h e ha r sh e s t of m i l i t a r y e nv i r o n m e nt s . D C to 18 G H z p e r fo r ma n ce To s e r v i ce yo u r d e l i ve r y n e e ds , w e s t r i ve to ma ke m os t d B v a l u e s av a i la b l e i n sh o r t l ea d t i m e s o r e ve n of f t h e sh e l f, fo r t h e m os t co m m o n v a l u e s . I f you would like mor e infor mat i on, p l ease cont a c t our cus tomer ser v i ce Screened Attenuators per d e p a r t m e nt a t 507. 833. 8822 o r 8 0 0. 247. 8256. Table I of MIL-DTL-3933 Screening Tes ts: Thermal Shock Pre-Conditioning Electrical: DC Resistance VSWR Attenuation Conditioning Post-Conditioning Electrical: DC Resistance VSWR Attenuation Radiographic Inspection Non-Screened Attenuators per Table IV of MIL-DTL-3933 Group A Inspec tion Tes ts Visual & Mechanical Examination VSWR Attenuation Stability of Attenuation: After Peak Power Note: All Screened Attenuators are tested 100% per Table IV and I of MIL-DTL-3933. All Non-Screened Attenuators are tested 100% per Table IV of MIL-DTL-3933. M I L Par t Slash N o. Group D escr iption Frequenc y (GHz) Attenuation (dB) M I L-DTL-3933/25 SMA Subminiature - Male/Female DC - 4.0, DC - 12.4, DC - 18.0 0 - 20 M I L-DTL-3933/14 SMA Miniature - Male/Female DC - 12.4 1 - 20 M I L-DTL-3933/16 SMA Miniature - Male/Female DC - 18.0 0 - 20 M I L-DTL-3933/17 TNC - Male/Female DC - 4.5, DC - 18.0 1-8, 10, 12, 15, 20Attenuators Fixed Coaxial MIL-DTL-3933/14 Dimension A Attenuation Value Military Frequency Range Mid wes t Par t N o. inches (mm) (dB) Commercial Alternate Part No. (GHz) (max.) (nom.) - 01 M3933/14-01N 1.20 (30.5) 3.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-03-SMA -02 - 02 M3933/14-02N 1.20 (30.5) 6.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-06-SMA -02 - 03 M3933/14-03N 1.20 (30.5) 10.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-10-SMA -02 - 04 M3933/14-04N 1.20 (30.5) 20.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-20-SMA -02 - 05 M3933/14-05N 1.20 (30.5) 15.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-15-SMA -02 - 06 M3933/14-06N 1.20 (30.5) 1.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-01-SMA -02 - 07 M3933/14-07N 1.20 (30.5) 2.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-02-SMA -02 - 08 M3933/14-08N 1.20 (30.5) 4.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-04-SMA -02 - 09 M3933/14-09N 1.20 (30.5) 5.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-05-SMA -02 - 10 M3933/14-10N 1.20 (30.5) 7.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-07-SMA -02 - 11 M3933/14-11N 1.20 (30.5) 8.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-08-SMA -02 - 12 M3933/14-12N 1.20 (30.5) 9.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-09-SMA -02 - 18 M3933/14-18N 1.20 (30.5) 16.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-16-SMA -02 - 19 M3933/14-19N 1.20 (30.5) 14.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-14-SMA -02 - 20 M3933/14-20N 1.20 (30.5) 13.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-13-SMA -02 - 21 M3933/14-21N 1.20 (30.5) 12.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-12-SMA -02 - 22 M3933/14-22N 1.20 (30.5) 11.0 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-11-SMA -02 - 23 M3933/14-23N 1.20 (30.5) 1.5 DC - 12.4 AT T-0205-72-SMA -02 Note: Midwest Microwave part number reflects a non-screened part. For a screened part, change suffix N to S.

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Electronic integrated circuits: Processors and controllers, whether or not combined with memories, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, clock and timing circuits, or other circuits
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