The LT1086CMPBF is a monolithic fixed-mode switching regulator circuit from Analog Devices. This device is designed for use in a wide variety of applications, such as DC to DC converters, portable PCs, battery systems, and wireless power supplies. It is a 5-amp buck regulator that features a number of features, including low quiescent current operation and an isolated feedback loop for stable operation. The LT1086CMPBF also has two PWM control pins for ease of programming, along with a wide input voltage range (4.5V to 55V). It also offers a high efficiency up to 93%, as well as a fast transient response time of just 200ns. Additionally, the device is able to maintain peak current limit accuracy of ±1% across a wide line and load range, and a current limit accuracy of ±3% over temperature and power supply range.