Click here for production status of specific part numbers. Evaluates: MAX30208 MAX30208 Evaluation System General Description Quick Start The MAX30208 evaluation system (EV system) provides a Required Equipment single platform to evaluate the MAX30208, a temperature Note: In the following sections, software-related items sensor with 0.1C accuracy. The EV system consists of are identified by bold text. Text in bold refers to items two boards connected through headers, a MAX32630FTHR directly from the install of EV system software. Text that microcontroller board, and the MAX30208 interface board. is bold and underlined refers to items from the Windows Also included with the EV system is a flex PCB that holds operating system. the MAX30208 IC. The MAX32630FTHR contains the MAX30208 Sensor Flex firmware necessary to use the PC GUI program and also MAX3020x interface board provides power to the MAX30208 interface board. The MAX32630FTHR MAX30208 interface board ships with jumpers preinstalled Micro-USB cable to allow quick evaluation of the MAX30208. Windows PC with USB port MicroSD card (optional) Features Lithium-ion battery (optional) Flexible PCB Design Low Thermal Mass Allows for Fast Response Time Procedure Sense Temperature Away from Extra Circuitry The EV system is tested and ships in three pieces: Easy to Reach Test Points MAX30208 Sensor Flex, MAX3020x interface board, and MAX32630FTHR. Fully Assembled and Tested Follow the steps below to verify board operation: Windows 7, 8, and 10-Compatible Software 1) Plug the MAX32630FTHR into the MAX3020x Inter- face Board. MAX30208 EV System Files 2) Connect the MAX30208 Sensor Flex to J9 on the FILE DESCRIPTION interface board, ensuring that the contact pads are on the bottom. MAX30208EVKitSetupV100.exe PC GUI Program 3) Set the EV system hardware on a nonconductive MAX30208 SENSOR Sch, BOM, PCB Layout surface to ensure nothing on the PCBs short together. MAX3020x Sch, BOM, PCB Layout 4) Connect the EV system hardware to a PC with the Sch, BOM, PCB Layout provided USB cable. Attach the micro-USB end to the MAX32630FTHR and the other end to the PC. LED The GUI and other documentation to use this EV System D1 on the MAX32630FTHR begins blinking light blue. are available in the MAX30208EVSYS EV System Design Resources tab. Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. Windows is a registered trademark and registered service mark of Microsoft Corporation. MAX30208 EV System Photo 319-100370 Rev 0 6/19Evaluates: MAX30208 MAX30208 Evaluation System 5) Windows should automatically begin installing the ToolStrip Menu Bar necessary device driver. Once the driver installation The ToolStrip menu bar (Figure 1) is located at the top is complete, a Windows message appears near the of the GUI window. This bar comprises the File, Device, system icon menu, indicating the hardware is ready to Logging, and Help menus whose functions are detailed use. Do not attempt to run the GUI prior to this mes- in the following sections. sage. If you do, then close the application and restart it once the driver installation is complete. On some File Menu versions of Windows, administrator privileges might The File menu contains the option to exit out of the GUI be required to install the USB device. program. 6) Once the device drivers have been installed, down- Device Menu load the software from MAX30208EVSYS EV The Device menu provides the ability to connect or system Design Resources tab and extract it to a disconnect an EV system to the GUI. If a board is discon- temporary folder. nected while the GUI is open the GUI displays Hardware 7) Open the extracted ZIP folder and double-click the .EXE Not Connected in the lower right corner. If the device file to run the installer. If a message box stating The is then plugged back in, the user can navigate to the publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you Device menu and select Connect. If successful, the want to run this software appears, select the Yes bottom right corner of the GUI reads Device Connected. option. Logging Menu 8) When the installer GUI appears, click Next. Select The Logging menu provides two ways to export each the installation paths and whether a shortcut should be created on the desktop. When prompted, press data sample that is being measured by the device. The Install. Once complete, click Close. first logging option is File Logging. Selecting either log option opens a prompt asking to select a device from 9) If a shortcut was created, double-click on the shortcut to which to log data. Next, a prompt appears that allows the start the GUI. Alternatively, go to Start All Programs. user to choose a name for the comma-separated value Look for the MAX30208EVKitTool folder and click on (CSV) log file, as well as the location to save the generat- the MAX30208EVKitTool.EXE file inside the folder. ed file. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the GUI when creating 10) When the GUI appears, the text in the right field of the a log file. The GUI disables file logging after one monitor- bottom status bar displays Connected. If the GUI dis- ing session and a new file must be generated through the plays Not Connected, ensure the flex PCB is properly Logging menu to log another dataset. connected and power-cycle the MAX30208 EV system. The second logging option is MicroSD Logging. MicroSD logging provides the ability to operate the EV system Detailed Description of Software without a connection to a host PC or power supply. First, Software Startup insert a microSD card into the connector on the under- If the EV system is connected while the software is open, side of the MAX32630FTHR. After selecting the logging the software first initializes the hardware to communicate. interval and writing the selection to the microSD card The software then reads the device registers and updates as seen in Figure 4, connect a 3.7V lithium-ion battery all the associated control fields displayed on the GUI. with a JST PH connector to the MAX32630FTHR and then disconnect the board from the host PC. Refer to the Once an EV system is connected, the GUI automatically MAX32630FTHR data sheet for details on connecting a sets the device registers and begins taking temperature Li+ battery. Press SW2 to start saving measurements to measurements. the SD card. Pressing SW2 again stops measurements. If the EV system is not connected on startup, the GUI To transfer the logged data from the MicroSD card to a file starts up with no devices displayed in the Devices section on a PC, reconnect the MAX30208 EV system to the PC of the GUI and no temperature reading in the Selected and select microSD card logging from the Logging menu. Device section. The status bar at the bottom of the GUI Select the Save to File option and a prompt appears states Not Connected. to name the log file (Figure 3). For subsequent logging sessions, Clear Log should be pressed on the Setup MicroSD Logging screen to prevent multiple datasets from being recorded to the same log file. Maxim Integrated 2