Click here to ask about the production status of specific part numbers. Evaluates: MAX40204 MAX40204 Evaluation Kit General Description Quick Start The MAX40204 evaluation kit (EV kit) is designed to Required Equipment evaluate the MAX40204ANA+, a precision bidirectional MAX40204 EV kit current-sense amplifier with wide common-mode input +5V, 10mA DC power supply in an 8-bump WLP package. The EV kit provides bidi- rectional and unidirectional current-sensing options, a 2.5V, 10mA DC power supply jumper (J1) to switch between two gain options (10V/V +12V, 1A DC power supply and 100V/V), and another jumper (J2) to place the board Electronic load or equivalent resistor load in low power mode. Two digital voltmeters (DVM1, DVM2) The EV kit features Kelvin connections for force and sense at the amplifier inputs and a very precise current- Procedure sense resistor with a 0.5% tolerance for accurate The MAX40204 EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Use measurement. Various test points are included for addi- the following steps to verify operation. Caution: Do not tional evaluation. The EV kit PCB is available with the turn on the power supplies until all connections are MAX40204ANA+ installed. completed. Features 1) Verify that the jumpers are in their default position, Wide -0.1V to 36V Input Range Common Mode as shown in Table 1. Range 2) Connect the positive terminal of the +5V supply to Operates Off a Single 5V Supply VCC and the negative terminal to GND. Unidirectional/Bidirectional Operation 3) Connect the positive terminal of the +12V supply to VBATT and the negative terminal to TP1. On-the-Fly Gain Input Jumper 4) Connect the positive terminal of the 2.5V supply to Shutdown Mode Jumper REF, and the negative terminal to ground connec- -40C to +125C Temperature Range tion, TP3. Lead(Pb)-Free and RoHS Compliant 5) Connect the positive terminal of the electronic load Proven PCB Layout to LOAD and the negative terminal of the electronic Fully Assembled and Tested load to ground connection, TP2. 6) Connect the positive terminal of DVM1 to OUT and the negative terminal to ground connection TP3. 7) Connect the positive terminal of DVM2 to RS+ and the negative terminal to RS-. Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. 8) Turn on the +5V supply first and then the +12V supply. 9) Set the electronic load to 250mA and turn the electronic load on. Observe DVM1 reading. It reads 125mV, approximately 10 times the voltage read on DVM2 above VREF voltage. 10) Set the gain for 100V/V and observe DVM1. It reads 1.25V. 11) Repeat the measurement for load currents of 500mA. 319-100615 Rev 0 10/20MAX40204 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX40204 voltage at REF. Measured output voltage above the VREF Detailed Description indicates current flowing to the load, and measured output The MAX40204 EV kit provides a proven layout to dem- voltage below the VREF indicates current flowing from onstrate the true capability of the MAX40204, a 2V (typ.) load to the source. Use equation 2 below to determine input offset high-side current-sense amplifier with 0.05% the output voltage. (typ.) gain error. The EV kit features various test points and jumpers to facilitate testing and evaluation of the Equation 2: current sense amplifier. In addition, optional input/output = (I x R x GAIN) + VDD/2 V OUT LOAD SENSE filtering component placeholder pads are provided to help evaluate the devices noise performance. where I is the load current, R is sense resis- LOAD SENSE tor, GAIN is gain of the current-sense amplifier set by Measuring the Load Current jumper J1, and VDD/2 is the voltage connected to REF to The MAX40204 EV kit comes with a 50m (0.5%) set the output voltage reference level. sense resistor (R ) connected to the RS+ and RS- SENSE Gain Selection Jumper (J1) inputs of the MAX40204 through Kelvin connections. The MAX40204 amplifies the voltage drop across the sense Jumper J1 allows the MAX40204 EV kit to set the gain resistor and provides a voltage at it output, OUT. The out- of the MAX40204 to either 10V/V or 100V/V. The default put voltage depends on the sense current, current-sense gain of the EV kit is 10V/V. See the Table 1 for more detail. resistor, and the gain configuration. Shutdown Input (SHDN) Unidirectional Current Sensing/Bidirectional Use J2 jumper on the MAX40204 EV kit enable/disable Current Sensing the MAX40204 operation. See the Table 1 for more detail. To configure the MAX40204 for unidirectional current sensing, connect REF to ground. In unidirectional con- figuration, the output voltage at OUT is referenced to Table 1. Jumper Table (J1, J2) ground. Use equation 1 below to determine the output SHUNT voltage. JUMPER DESCRIPTION POSITION Equation 1: Connects GAIN to VCC 1-2 V = I x R x GAIN OUT LOAD SENSE (Gain = 100V/V) J1 where I is the load current, R is sense resis- Connects GAIN to GND LOAD SENSE 2-3* (Gain = 10V/V) tor, and GAIN is gain of the current-sense amplifier set by jumper J1. Connects SHDN to VCC 1-2* (normal operation) Bidirectional Current Sensing J2 Connects SHDN to GND For bidirectional configuration, connect REF to a volt- 2-3 (shutdown) age supply midlevel between VDD and ground. In this configuration, the output voltage at OUT is referenced the *Default position. Component Suppliers SUPPLIER PHONE WEBSITE Wurth Electronics Inc. 248 756-5355 Murata 770-436-1300 TDK 847-803-6100 Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX40204 when contacting these component suppliers. Ordering Information PART TYPE MAX40204EVKIT EV Kit Denotes RoHS compliance. Maxim Integrated 2