SNAP-ACTION SWITCHES Q APEM, 63 NECK ROAD, HAVERHILL, MA USA 01835-0788 TOLL FREE: (877) 246-7890 FAX: (978) 372-3534 E-mail: info Q1 SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICESNAP-ACTION SWITCHES Micro-limit pushbutton switches are used in many applications including microwave ovens, vending machines, copy and fax machines, medical and security equipment, computer peripherals and many others. They are characterized by close tolerance precision switching positions and long service life. APEM micro-limit switches are 100% electronic tested prior to shipment to insure proper operation and conformance with specifications. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Free position Back travel Position of the switch actuator when no force is The distance between the overtravel and release applied. positions. Operating position Total travel The position of the actuator when the contact snaps. The sum of pretravel and overtravel. Overtravel position Operating force The final position of the actuator. The force required to cause snap action of contact. Release position End operating force The position of the actuator when the contact snaps The force to be applied to keep the actuator in the back from the operating position to original position. allowed final position. Contact opening gap Release force The distance between the open contact pair. The force applied to the actuator at the moment the contact snaps back from the operating position. Pretravel The distance between free and operating positions. Differential force The difference between the operating force and the Overtravel release force. The distance the actuator travels after the contact actuates. Mechanical life The minimum number of actuations with no load on Movement differential the switch. The distance from the operating to release position of the actuator. Electrical life Q The minimum number of actuations at rated voltage, Free travel rated current and resistive load at 20C ambient The distance between the release and free positions. temperature. 1 free position 2 operating position 3 overtravel position 4 release position A total travel B free travel FORCE vs. C back travel TRAVEL D pretravel DIAGRAM E overtravel F movement differential I total force II operating force III differential force IV release force Q2 APEM, 63 NECK ROAD, HAVERHILL, MA USA 01835-0788 TOLL FREE: (877) 246-7890 FAX: (978) 372-3534 E-mail: info SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE