YYXX YYXX X00 X00 HEDS-9040/9140 Three Channel Optical Incremental Encoder Modules Data Sheet Description Features The HEDS-9040 and HEDS-9140 series are three channel Two channel quadrature output with index pulse optical incremental encoder modules. When used with a Resolution up to 2000 CPR (Counts Per Revolution) codewheel, these low cost modules detect rotary position. Low cost Each module consists of a lensed LED source and a detec- Easy to mount tor IC enclosed in a small plastic package. Due to a highly No signal adjustment required collimated light source and a unique photodetector array, Small size these modules provide the same high performance found in the HEDS-9000/9100 two channel encoder family. -40C to 100C operating temperature TTL compatible Package Dimensions Single 5 V supply HEDx-9xx0 Option 26.67 (1.05) 8.6 (0.34) 15.2 (0.60) 0.63 (0.025) 2.54 (0.100) TYP. SQR. TYP. 1.8 1.52 (0.060) OPTION CODE (0.07) 1.0 (0.04) 5.1 (0.20) 2.9 DATE CODE 2.21 6.9 (0.27) (0.11) 11.9 (0.087) 2.54 3.73 0.05 (0.47) 20.8 (0.100) (0.147 0.002) (0.82) 1.02 0.10 11.7 (0.040 0.004) 8.81 (0.46) 4.75 0.10 5.8 (0.347) 45 (0.187 0.004) (0.23) OPTICAL 2.67 (0.105) DIA. ALIGNING RECESS CENTER LINE MOUNTING THRU ALIGNING RECESS 2.44/2.41 DIA. C HOLE 2 PLACES 1.85 (0.073) L 1.78 0.10* 5.46 0.10 2.44/2.41 X 2.79 (0.096/0.095) ALIGNING RECESS (0.096/0.095 X 0.110) 2.16 (0.085) (0.070 0.004) (0.215 0.004) 2.44/2.41 DIA. 8.64 (0.340) 2.44/2.41 X 2.79 2.16 (0.085) DEEP DEEP (0.096/0.095) REF. (0.096/0.095 X 0.110) 2.92 0.10** 17.27 2.16 (0.085) DEEP 2.16 (0.085) DEEP (0.115 0.004) (0.680) OPTICAL 4.11 (0.162) 10.16 20.96 CENTER OPTICAL CENTER (0.400) (0.825) 6.35 (0.250) REF. TYPICAL DIMENSIONS IN SIDE A MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES) SIDE B * GAP MEASUREMENT TO THE SURFACE WINDOW = 1.68 0.10 (0.066 0.004) ** HEIGHT TO THE WINDOW = 3.02 0.10 (0.119 0.004) HEDx-9xx1 Option 26.67 (1.05) 8.6 (0.34) 15.2 (0.60) 0.63 (0.025) 2.54 (0.100) TYP. 4.01 0.20 SQR. TYP. (0.158 0.008) 1.8 OPTION CODE 1.0 (0.04) (0.07) 5.1 (0.20) 2.9 DATE CODE 2.21 (0.11) (0.087) 2.54 3.73 0.05 (0.100) (0.147 0.002) 16.76 0.20 (0.66 0.008) 1.02 0.10 11.7 (0.040 0.004) 8.81 (0.46) 4.75 0.10 5.8 (0.347) 45 (0.187 0.004) (0.23) OPTICAL 2.67 (0.105) DIA. ALIGNING RECESS CENTER LINE MOUNTING THRU ALIGNING RECESS 2.44/2.41 DIA. C HOLE 2 PLACES 1.85 (0.073) L 1.78 0.10* 5.46 0.10 2.44/2.41 X 2.79 (0.096/0.095) ALIGNING RECESS (0.070 0.004) (0.215 0.004) (0.096/0.095 X 0.110) 2.16 (0.085) 2.44/2.41 DIA. 8.64 (0.340) 2.44/2.41 X 2.79 2.16 (0.085) DEEP DEEP (0.096/0.095) REF. (0.096/0.095 X 0.110) 2.92 0.10** 17.27 2.16 (0.085) DEEP 2.16 (0.085) DEEP (0.115 0.004) (0.680) OPTICAL 4.11 (0.162) 10.16 20.96 CENTER OPTICAL CENTER (0.400) (0.825) 6.35 (0.250) REF. TYPICAL DIMENSIONS IN SIDE A SIDE B MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES) * GAP MEASUREMENT TO THE SURFACE WINDOW = 1.68 0.10 (0.066 0.004) ** HEIGHT TO THE WINDOW = 3.02 0.10 (0.119 0.004) ESD WARNING: NORMAL HANDLING PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID STATIC DISCHARGE. V V CC CC 5 CH. B 5 CH. B 4 V 4 V CC CC 3 CH. A 3 CH. A 2 N.C. 2 N.C. 1 GND 1 GND GND GND HEDS-9X01 HEDS-9X00The HEDS-9040 and 9140 have two channel quadrature Theory of Operation outputs plus a third channel index output. This index The HEDS-9040 and 9140 are emitter/detector modules. output is a 90 electrical degree high true index pulse Coupled with a codewheel, these modules translate the which is generated once for each full rotation of the rotary motion of a shaft into a three-channel digital out- codewheel. put. The HEDS-9040 is designed for use with a HEDX-614X As seen in the block diagram, the modules contain a codewheel which has an optical r adius of 23.36 mm single Light Emitting Diode (LED) as its light source. The (0.920 inch). The HEDS-9140 is designed for use with a light is collimated into a parallel beam by means of a HEDx-5x4x codewheel which has an optical radius of single polycar bon a te lens located directly over the LED. 11.00 mm (0.433 inch). Opposite the emitter is the integrated detector circuit. The quadrature signals and the index pulse are accessed This IC consists of multiple sets of photodetect ors and through five 0.025 inch square pins located on 0.1 inch the signal processing circuitry necessary to produce the centers. digital waveforms. Standard resolutions between 256 and 2000 counts per The codewheel rotates between the emitter and detector, revolution are available. Consult local Avago sales repre- causing the light beam to be interrupted by the pattern sentatives for other resolutions. of spaces and bars on the codewheel . The photodiodes which detect these interrup tions are arranged in a pat- Applications tern that corresponds to the radius and design of the codewheel . These detectors are also spaced such that a The HEDS-9040 and 9140 provide sophisticated motion light period on one pair of detectors corresponds to a control detection at a low cost, making them ideal for dark period on the adjacent pair of detectors. The photo- high volume applications. Typical applica tions include diode outputs are then fed through the signal process- printers, plotters, tape drives, and industrial and factory ing circuitry resulting in A, A, B, B, I and I. Comparators automation equipment. receive these signals and produce the final outputs for Note: Avago Technologies encoders are not recommend- channels A and B. Due to this integrated phasing tech- ed for use in safety critical applications. Eg. ABS braking nique, the digital output of channel A is in quadrature systems, power steering, life support systems and critical with that of channel B (90 degrees out of phase). care medical equipment. Please contact sales represen- The output of the comparator for I and I is sent to the in- tative if more clarification is needed. dex processing circuitry along with the outputs of chan- nels A and B. The final output of channel I is an index pulse P which is generated once for each full rotation of O the codewheel. This output P is a one state width (nomi- O nally 90 electrical degrees), high true index pulse which is coincident with the low states of channels A and B. 2