okpac S/MON/SO468020/C/19/05/2010 page 1 / 5F/GB Gradateur angle de phase Phase angle controller SO468020 Sortie/Output : 200-480VAC 95A PRELIMINAIRE / PRELIMINARY Alimentation/Supply : 8-30V Relais statique entre analogique permettant un contrle en puissance Entre analogique/Analog Input : 0-10V de charge rsistive par une variation en angle de phase SSR based phase angle controller with analog control to adjust power on resistive loads (linear power law response) Gamme en courant des SO4 : 35 125A SO4. current range : 35 to 125A Protection contre les surtensions par varistor intgr Overvoltage protection by varistor. Plage de frquence rseau :40 70 Hz auto-adaptable Main frequency range : 40 to 70Hz with self adaptation Alimentation 8-30V et led verte de visualisation 8-30V supply voltage and Green LED visualization on the input. Entre analogique 0-10V. 0-10V analog input voltage. 2 connecteurs d entre dbrochable technologie ressort. Gris: Alimentation Construit en conformit aux normes EN60947-4-3 (IEC947-4-3) Orange: Entre analogique 0-10V et EN60950/VDE0805 (Isolement renforc) Two removable input spring connectors Designed in compliance with EN60947-4-3 (IEC947-4-3) Grey: Supply and EN60950/VDE0805 (Reinforced Insulation) Orange : Analog input 0-10V Protection IP20 par volets sur les bornes. IP20 protection by flaps on terminals. Dimensions : 200-480Va Entre analogiqu Analog input 0-10VDC Alimentatio Supply 8-30VDC - 1/L1 et 2/T1 peuvent tre inverses. 1/L1 and 2/T1 can be swapped. - Le relais doit tre mont sur dissipateur thermique. SSR must be mounted on heatsink Entre ana. Alim. Control Supply input Application typique / Typical application: 10kW (AC-51) - 400 VAC 50hz PPrroouudd ttoo sseerrvvee yyoouu PPrroouudd ttoo sseerrvvee yyoouu celduc All technical caracteristics are subject to change without previous notice. Caractristiques sujettes modifications sans pravis. r e l a i sS/MON/SO468020/C/19/05/2010 okpac page 2 / 5F/GB Caractristiques d entre / Control characteristics (at 25C) DC Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Paramtre / Parameter Plage de tension d alimentation / Control voltage range Vc 8 30 V Courant d alimentation/ Supply current Ic - 9 mA Tension inverse max alim. / Max. reverse supply voltage -Vc 30 V Ve 0 10 30 V Plage de tension analogique/ Analog voltage range Courant entre analogique / Analog input current Ie 300 A Tenue en tension max ana. / Max. reverse analog voltage withstand -Ve -30 30 V Impdance entre analogique/ Analog input impedance Re 120 k Caractristiques de sortie / Output characteristics (at 25C) Paramtre / Parameter Conditions Symbol Min Typ. Max Unit Plage de tension utilisation / Operating voltage range Ue 200 - 480 V rms Tension de crte / Peak voltage 1mA Up 1200 V Tension amorage / Latching voltage Ie nom Ua 20 V Courant nominal / nominal current (AC-51) voir/ see fig.2 Ie AC-51 0,1 110 A rms Courant surcharge / Non repetitive overload current tp=10ms (Fig. 3) Itsm 1500 1700 A Chute directe l tat passant / On state voltage drop 25C Vt 0,9 V Rsistance dynamique / On state dynamic resistance rt 3.5 m Puissance dissipe (max) / Output power dissipation (max) 2 Pd 0,9x0,9xIe + 0,012xIe W Courant de fuite l tat bloqu / Off state leakage current Ue typ, 50Hz Ilk 2 mA Temps d initialisation / init time switch on 50Hz ti 6 ms Temps de retard / delay time 50Hz td max 70 ms Temps de reponse / rise, fall time 50Hz , dUl=63% tr max 20 ms Frquence utilisation/ Operating frequency range f mains f 40 50-60 70 Hz dv/dt l tat bloqu / Off state dv/dt dv/dt 500 V/s di/dt max / Maximum di/dt non repetitive di/dt 50 A/s 2 2 I2t (<10ms) I t 5000 7200 A s Immunit / Conducted immunity level IEC/EN61000-4-4 (bursts) 4kV criterion B Immunit / Conducted immunity level IEC/EN61000-4-5 (surge) 4kV criterion B Protection surtension interne / Internal overvoltage protection Varistor 510V Uclamp 820( 1mA) V Protection court-circuit / Short circuit protection voir/ see page 6 Example Fuse Ferraz gRC 25A/32A/50A Caractristiques gnrales / General characteristics (at 25C) Isolement entre/sortie - Input to output insulation Ui 4000 VRMS Isolation sortie/ semelle - Output to case insulation Ui 4000 VRMS Rsistance Isolement / Insulation resistance Ri 1000 ( 500VDC) M Tenue aux tensions de chocs / Rated impulse voltage Uimp 4000 V Degr de protection / Protection level / CEI529 IP20 Degr de pollution / Pollution degree - 2 Vibrations / Vibration withstand 10 -55 Hz according to CEI68 1,5 mm - 30/50 g Tenue aux chocs / Shocks withstand according to CEI68 Rsistance thermique jonction/semelle Thermal resistance junction to case Rthj/c 0,3 C/W Temprature de fonctionnement / Ambient temperature (no icing, no condensation) - -40 /+90 C Temprature de stockage/ Storage temperature (no icing, no condensation) -40/+125 C Humidit relative / Ambient humidity HR 40 to 85 % Poids/ Weight 65 g Conformit / Conformity EN60947-4-3 (IEC947-4-3) Conformit / Conformity VDE0805/EN60950 UL/cUL plastique du boitier / Housing Material PA 6 UL94VO Semelle / Base plate Aluminium, nickel-plated celduc www.celduc.com r e l a i s 5, Rue Ampre BP30004 42290 SORBIERS - FRANCE E-mail : celduc-relais celduc.com Fax +33 (0) 4 77 53 85 51 Service Commercial France Tl. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 20 Sales Dept.For Europe Tel. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 21 Sales Dept. Asia : Tl. +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 19