Pick and place manipulator EASYPLACER & EASYPLACER.V 1411 www.cif.fr PICK & PLACE MANIPULATOR EASYPLACER & EASYPLACER.V (Ref V900120 & V900121) 1 Pick and place manipulator EASYPLACER & EASYPLACER.V 1411 Conformity Certificate EC Us, C.I.F 240 rue Hlne Boucher 78530 BUC - France Tel +33 (0)1 39 66 96 83 FAX +33 (0)1 39 66 97 78 email : cif cif.fr Site : www.cif.fr (GB) We certify under our responsibility that the product: Pick and place manipulator EASYPLACER & EASYPLACER.V Code : V900120 & V900121 conforms to European Economic Community standards : EN-60204-1 EN 292 (F) Dclaration du constructeur La socit CIF 78530 BUC, France, certifie que le produit rpond bien aux directives de la Communaut Economique Europenne. (GB) Manufacturer declaration : CIF company CIF 78530 BUC, France, herewith declare that this product conforms to E.E.C. regulations. (E) Declaracion del constructor La sociedad CIF 78530 BUC, France, certifica que este producto satisface las directivas de la communidad Europea. (I) Dichiarazione del costruttore La societ CIF 78530 BUC, France, attesta che il prodotto risponde alle direttive della Unione Europea. (D) Hersstellererklrung Hiermit erklrt die Firma CIF 78530 BUC, France dass dieses produkt der Richtlinie EWG entspricht. In accordance with the following European Decrees : Low Voltage Directive 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive 2006/95/EC EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Buc, November 2014 Authorised signature Philippe ALBRIEUX 2