Preliminary Datasheet 1.6x Linear DC Fan Driver with VOUT Fully on Control AP2113 General Description Features The AP2113 is a low dropout high performance linear Output Voltage in Adjustable Mode Follows 1.6 regulator which is specially designed to drive a DC Times of V (V /V =1.6 3%) SET OUT SET fan, the regulator delivers output current 600mA in Low Quiescent Current: 70 A (Typ) minimum. Guarantee 0.6A Continuous Load Switchable Adjustable Mode/Full Speed Mode The AP2113 provides low quiescent current Over Current Protection consumption 70 A, over current limit protection and Short Current Protection with Fold-back load short current protection with fold-back limitation Limitation: 50mA 50mA, which are ideal for battery powered system Low Dropout Voltage: application. 150mV 600mA (Typ) at Full Speed Mode 200mV 600mA (Typ) at Adjustable Mode The AP2113 output voltage (V ) follows 1.6 times OTSD Protection OUT of V input voltage until it reaches V voltage Stable with 1.0F Flexible Caps: Ceramic, SET IN minus dropout voltage (V ) at adjustable mode Tantalum and Aluminum Electrolytic DROP (set FON pin logic high). The V voltage must be Operation Temperature Range: -40C to 85C SET larger than 1.0V to guarantee V 1.6 times of V . ESD: MM 300V, HBM 6000V OUT SET An FON pin turns V fully on when set logic low. OUT The AP2113 is available in standard SOIC-8 and Applications SOT-23-5 packages. Notebook Computer Fan Driver Motherboards Peripheral Cards SOIC-8 SOT-23-5 Figure 1. Package Type of AP2113 Mar. 2012 Rev 1. 3 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 1 Preliminary Datasheet 1.6x Linear DC Fan Driver with VOUT Fully on Control AP2113 Pin Configuration M Package K Package (SOIC-8) (SOT-23-5) 1 5 2 34 Figure 2. Pin Configuration of AP2113 (Top View) Pin Descriptions Pin Number Pin Name Function SOIC-8 SOT-23-5 Full speed mode / Adjustable mode selection input pin. 1 5 FON Set low for full speed mode, set high for adjustable mode with 1.6x 2 4 VIN Input voltage 3 3 VOUT Output voltage Voltage input pin, apply DC voltage into VSET as voltage 4 1 VSET reference, the output voltage follows 1.6 times of VSET voltage 5, 6, 7, 8 2 GND Ground Mar. 2012 Rev 1. 3 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 2