PI5C16861 20-Bit, 2-Port Bus Switch Features Description Near-Zero propagation delay Pericom Semiconductor s PI5C16861 is configured as a 20-bit, 2-port bus switch designed with a low On-Resistance (5) allowing 5 or 25 switches connect inputs to outputs inputs to be connected directly to outputs. The bus switch creates no Direct bus connection when switches are ON additional propagational delay or additional ground bounce noise. The 32X384 function with flow through pinout make board layout switches are turned ON by the Bus Enable (BEx) input signal. easier Ultra-low quiescent power (0.2A typical) Pin Configuration Ideally suited for notebook applications Industrial operating temperature: 40C to +85C NC 1 48 VCC Packaging (Pb-free & Green): A0 2 47 BE1 48-pin 240-mil wide plastic TSSOP (A) A1 3 46 B0 A2 4 45 B1 B2 Block Diagram A3 5 44 A4 6 43 B3 A5 B4 7 42 A0 B0 A6 8 41 B5 A7 B6 9 40 A8 10 39 B7 A9 B9 A9 B8 11 38 GND 12 37 B9 NC VCC 13 36 BE1 BE2 A10 14 35 A11 B10 15 34 A10 B10 B11 A12 16 33 A13 B12 17 32 A14 B13 18 31 A19 B19 A15 B14 19 30 A16 B15 20 29 A17 B16 21 28 BE2 A18 B17 22 27 B18 A19 23 26 GND B19 24 25 (1) Truth Table Function BEx A19-A0 Pin Description Disconnect H Hi-Z Pin Name Description Connect L B19-B0 Note: BEx Bus Enable Inputs (Active LOW) 1. H = High Voltage Level, L = Low Voltage Level, A19-A0 Bus A Hi-Z = High Impedance B19-B0 Bus B 11-0008 PS7026H 10/11/10 1PI5C16861 20-Bit, 2-Port Bus Switch Maximum Ratings (Above which the useful life may be impaired. For user guidelines, not tested.) Note: Storage Temperature ............................................................. 65C to +150C Stresses greater than those listed under MAXIMUM RAT- Ambient Temperature with Power Applied ............................ 40C to +85C INGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device Supply Voltage to Ground Potential (Inputs & V Only) ...... 0.5V to +7.0V CC at these or any other conditions above those indicated in Supply Voltage to Ground Potential (Outputs & D/O Only) ... 0.5V to +7.0V the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for ex- DC Input Voltage ..................................................................... 0.5V to +7.0V tended periods may affect reliability. DC Output Current ................................................................................ 120mA Power Dissipation .................................................................................... 0.5W DC Electrical Characteristics (Over the Operating Range, T = 40C to +85C, V = 5V 10%) A CC (1) (2) Parameters Description Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units V Input HIGH Voltage Guaranteed Logic HIGH Level 2.0 IH V V Input LOW Voltage Guaranteed Logic LOW Level 0.5 0.8 IL I Input HIGH Current V = Max., V = V 1 IH CC IN CC I Input LOW Current V = Max., V = GND 1 IL CC IN A High Impedance Output I 0 A, B V 1 OZH CC Current V Clamp Diode Voltage V = Min., I = 18mA 0.7 1.2 V IK CC IN (3) I Short Circuit Current A (B) = 0V, B (A) = V 100 mA ON CC Input Hysteresis at Con- V 150 mV H trol Pins V = Min., V = 0.0V 5 7 CC IN (4) R Switch On-Resistance ON V = Min., V = 2.4V 10 15 CC IN Notes: 1. For Max. or Min. conditions, use appropriate value specified under Electrical Characteristics for the applicable device type. 2. Typical values are at V = 5.0V, T = 25C ambient and maximum loading. CC A 3. Not more than one output should be shorted at one time. Duration of the test should not exceed one second. 4. Measured by the voltage drop between A and B pin at indicated current through the switch. On-Resistance is determined by the lower of the voltages on the two (A,B) pins. Capacitance (T = 25C, f = 1 MHz) A (1) Description Test Conditions Typ. Units Parameters C Input Capacitance 6 IN C A/B Capacitance, Switch Off V = 0V 6 pF OFF IN C A/B Capacitance, Switch On 8 ON Notes: 1. This parameter is determined by device characterization but is not production tested. PS7026H 10/11/10 11-0008 2