X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of AEM30940-QFN Power Management Specialised - PMIC across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. AEM30940-QFN Power Management Specialised - PMIC are a product manufactured by e-peas. We provide cost-effective solutions for Power Management Specialised - PMIC, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

AEM30940-QFN e-peas

AEM30940-QFN electronic component of e-peas
AEM30940-QFN e-peas
AEM30940-QFN Power Management Specialised - PMIC
AEM30940-QFN  Semiconductors

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See Product Specifications
Part No. AEM30940-QFN
Manufacturer: e-peas
Category: Power Management Specialised - PMIC
Description: Power Management Specialised - PMIC AEM30940 IC - RFVibration Energy Harvesting Manager AC source
Datasheet: AEM30940-QFN Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 5.5125 ea
Line Total: USD 5.51 
Availability - 1773
Ship by Mon. 17 Mar to Wed. 19 Mar
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Mon. 17 Mar to Wed. 19 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 5.5125
10 : USD 3.358
25 : USD 2.948
100 : USD 2.541
250 : USD 2.409
500 : USD 2.167
1000 : USD 1.815
2000 : USD 1.727
5000 : USD 1.661

Product Category
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the AEM30940-QFN from our Power Management Specialised - PMIC category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the AEM30940-QFN and other electronic components in the Power Management Specialised - PMIC category and beyond.

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DDDAAATTTAAASSSHHHEEEEEETTT AAAEEEMMM333000999444000 Highly ecient, regulated dual-output, ambient energy manager for AC or DC sources with optional primary battery Features Description Ultra-low-power start-up: The AEM30940 is an integrated energy management circuit - Cold start from 380mV input voltage and 3W input thatextractsDCpowerfromapiezogenerator,amicroturbine power (typical) generator or any high frequency RF input to simultaneously - RF input power from -19 dBm up to 10 dBm (typical) store energy in a rechargeable element and supply the system with two independent regulated voltages. The AEM30940 al- Ultra-low-power boost regulator: lows to extend battery lifetime and ultimately eliminates the - Open-circuit voltage sensing for MPPT every 0.33 s primary energy storage element in a large range of wireless - Congurable MPPT with 2-pin programming applications such as industrial monitoring, home automation, - Selectable Voc ratios of 50, 65 or 80% transportation and smart agriculture. - Input voltage operation range from 50 mV to 5 V The AEM30940 harvests the available input current up to - MPPT voltage operation range from 50 mV to 5 V 110 mA. It integrates an ultra-low-power boost converter to - Constant impedance matching (ZMPPT) charge a storage element, such as a Li-ion battery, a thin lm Integrated 1.2/1.8 V LDO regulator: battery, a supercapacitor or a conventional capacitor. The - Up to 20 mA load current boost converter operates with input voltages in a range from - Power gated dynamically by external control 50 mV to 5 V. With its unique cold start circuit, it can start - Selectable output voltage operating with empty storage elements at an input voltage as Integrated 1.8 V-4.1 V LDO regulator: low as 380mVand an input power of just 3W. - Up to 80 mA load current with 300 mV drop-out The low-voltage supply typically drives a microcontroller at - Power gated dynamically by external control 1.2 V or 1.8 V. The high-voltage supply typically drives a ra- - Selectable or adjustable output voltage dio transceiver at a congurable voltage between 1.8 V and 4.1 V. Both are driven by highly-ecient LDO (Low Drop- Flexible energy storage management: Out) regulators for low noise and high stability. - Selectableoverchargeandoverdischargeprotectionforany Conguration pins determine various operating modes by set- type of rechargeable battery or (super)capacitor tingpredenedconditionsfortheenergystorageelement(over- - Fast supercapacitor charging charge oroverdischargevoltages), and by selectingthe voltage - Warning when the battery is running low of the high-voltage supply and the low-voltage supply. More- - Warning when output voltage regulators are available over, special modes can be obtained at the expense of a few Optional primary battery: conguration resistors. - Automatic switching to the primary battery when the sec- The chip integrates all the active elements for powering a typ- ondary battery is exhausted ical wireless sensor. Five capacitors and two inductors are re- Integrated balun for dual-cell supercapacitor quired, available in the small 0402 and 0603 size, respectively. With only seven external components, integration is maxi- Applications mum, footprint and BOM are minimum, optimizing the time- to-market and the costs of WSN designs. Piezo harvesting Home automation Device information Micro turbine harvesting Transportation RF harvesting Smart agriculture Part number Package Body size Industrial monitoring 10AEM30940C0000 QFN 28-pin 5mm x 5mm R4-R3-R2-R1 (optional) R6-R5 (optional) BOOST HVOUT Primary battery BUCK (optional) Rectier Matching AC network SRC source PRIM (optional) R8 (optional) ZMPP FB PRIM U R7 (optional) BUFSRC LBOOST FB PRIM D RZMPP SWBOOST (optional) CSRC Li-ion BATT battery BOOST AEM30940 BAL CBOOST 2 QFN28 5x5 mm STATUS 2 : 0 Micro- SWBUCK LVOUT controller LBUCK BUCK CLV ENHV Radio HVOUT ENLV CBUCK transceiver CHV DDDSSS AAAEEEMMM333000999444000 RRREEEVVV111...333 CCCooopppyyyrrriiiggghhhttt ccc 222000111888 eee---pppeeeaaasss SSSAAA 111 CFG 2 : 0 SET OVCH SELMPP 1 : 0 SET CHRDY SET OVDIS GND FB HVDDDAAATTTAAASSSHHHEEEEEETTT AAAEEEMMM333000999444000 Contents List of Figures 1 Introduction 3 1 Simplied schematic view 3 2 Pinout diagram QFN28 . 4 2 Absolute Maximum Ratings 5 3 Functional block diagram 7 4 Simplied schematic view of the AEM30940 8 3 Thermal Resistance 5 5 Diagram of the AEM30940 modes 8 6 Custom conguration resistors 11 4 Typical Electrical Characteristics at 25 C 5 7 Typical application circuit 1 . 13 8 Typical application circuit 2 . 14 5 Recommended Operation Conditions 6 9 Cold start with a capacitor connected to BATT . 15 10 Cold start with a battery connected to BATT 15 6 Functional Block Diagram 7 11 Overvoltage mode 16 7 Theory of Operation 8 12 Shutdown mode (without primary battery) . 16 13 Switch to primary battery if the battery is overdis- 7.1 Deep sleep & Wake up modes . 8 charged 17 7.2 Normal mode 9 7.3 Overvoltage mode . 9 14 Boost eciency for Isrc at 100 A, 1 mA, 10 mA 7.4 Primary mode . 10 and 100 mA with Lboost = 10mH . 18 7.5 Shutdown mode 10 15 Boost eciency for Isrc at 100 A, 1 mA, 10 mA 7.6 Maximum power point tracking 10 and 100 mA with Lboost = 22mH . 19 7.7 Balun for dual-cell supercapacitor 10 16 Quiescent current with LDOs on and o 19 17 HVOUT at 3.3 V and 2.5 V . 20 8 System Conguration 11 18 LVOUT at 1.2 V and 1.8 V . 20 8.1 Battery and LDOs conguration 11 19 HVOUT eciency at 1.8 V, 2.5 V and 3.3 V 21 8.2 MPPT conguration 12 20 Eciency of BUCK cascaded with LVOUT at 1.2 V 8.3 Primary battery conguration . 12 and 1.8 V 21 8.4 ZMPPT conguration . 12 21 Eciency of the RF path for the 863-868 MHz band 22 8.5 No battery conguration 12 22 Eciency of the RF path for the 915-921 MHz band 22 8.6 Storage element information 12 23 EciencyoftheRFpathforthe2400-2500MHzband 23 24 Overalleciency(RFpathandboostconverter)with 9 Typical Application Circuits 13 VBOOST = 3.5V 23 9.1 Example: Circuit 1 . 13 25 Overalleciency(RFpathandboostconverter)with 9.2 Example: Circuit 2 . 14 VBOOST = 3.5V 24 26 Schematic example 25 10 Performance Data 18 27 Layout example for the AEM30940 and its passive 10.1BOOST conversion eciency 10 mH . 18 components 26 10.2BOOST conversion eciency with 22 mH 19 28 QFN28 5mm x 5mm . 27 10.3Quiescent current . 19 29 Board layout . 27 10.4High-voltage LDO regulation . 20 10.5Low-voltage LDO regulation 20 List of Tables 10.6High-voltage LDO eciency 21 10.7Low-voltage LDO eciency 21 1 Pins description 4 10.8RF path eciency . 22 2 Absolute maximum ratings 5 10.9Overall eciency 23 3 Thermal data . 5 4 Electrical characteristics . 6 11 Schematic 25 5 Recommended operating conditions . 6 6 Minimum input power for the cold start (typical). 12 Layout 26 Resultsobtained with the matchingnetworkand rec- 13 Package Information 27 tier designed by e-peas . 8 13.1Plasticquadatpackno-lead(QFN285mmx5mm) 7 LDOs congurations . 9 . 27 8 Usage of CFG 2:0 11 13.2Board layout 27 9 Usage of SELMPP 1:0 12 10 BOMexampleforAEM30940anditsrequiredpassive components 25 DDDSSS AAAEEEMMM333000999444000 RRREEEVVV111...333 CCCooopppyyyrrriiiggghhhttt ccc 222000111888 eee---pppeeeaaasss SSSAAA 222

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