's work
In 05.20.208, Ettinger examines the relationship between historicism and postmodernism, exploring how these two ways of perception affect one another, and the ways in which they can be reconciled into a distinct aesthetic identity. He writes about the concepts of identity and the self, discussing how the postmodern view of self is increasingly fragmented among multiple overlapping identities. Axiological questions of meaning, value, and experience form a big part of the essay as well, and Ettinger considers how a postmodern view of knowledge could be reconciled with the idea of a structured, meaningful universe. He also examines the connections between digital technologies and the perception of reality, and how these can be used to expand our understanding of what constitutes “the real.” Finally, the essay delves into questions of ethics, including a discussion of the implications of postmodernism and the need for a re-framing of traditional ethical systems.