to ups: 3 ms
Avr - Automatic Voltage Regulation System, Clear Digital Sinus (Cds), Cool Battery Charging (Cbc), Lc, Rs232 - Communication Interface, Windows 98/Me/Nt/2000/Xp, Linux, Unix, Novell, Automatic 15 A, Time Lag 5X20mm 10 A Fuse, Electronical, Anti - Interferences Filter Rfi/Emi + Varistor Suppressor, Delivered With Telecommunication Filter, Sinus, Acoustic - Led Signalling
p0 , 5 Max : 14 Min , p Max : 8 Min
Advanced Single And Multi - Processor Servers Protection, Pc Terminals
190 X 165 X 480Mm
184 To 264 V , 230 VAC