The GD25Q128EFIRR is a NOR Flash memory device manufactured by Gigadevice. It has a capacity of 128Mbits (16Mbytes) and operates using a 3V-3.6V voltage range. The device is organized in eight 4K byte sectors with a total of 512 sectors. The GD25Q128EFIRR has a page size of 256 bytes and is compatible with the dual-SPI and Quad-SPI protocols for faster access times. The operating temperature range is -40°C to +85°C. It has various security features such as secure erase, secure program, and secure read. Furthermore, its Power-down, Quad Enable, Write Disable, and Write Status Register functions give maximum flexibility when interfacing with system bus designs. This makes the GD25Q128EFIRR an ideal device for applications such as advanced data storage, digital audio, set-top boxes, and automotive components.