The GD25Q128EWIGR is a NOR Flash memory product manufactured by Gigadevice. It is a 128 Mbit device 133MHz operating frequency and comes in a DFN-8-EP(5x6) package and is ROHS compliant. The device provides fast read throughput of up to 133MHz as well as Fast Random Read and Page Program performance. Data devices are organized in 32-bit words. It has a 4Kb Uniform Sector architecture with 256-byte pages, enabling uniform and predictable sector erase times. The Fast Read operation can be operated in both Serial and Quad I/O modes, whereby Quad I/O allows for a single instruction to access four data words. Furthermore, Unique Serially Programmable OTP technology provides enhanced security for code storage. The GD25Q128EWIGR also features integrated diodes to protect devices from accidental write operations. The device is suitable for use in embedded systems, banking systems, digital audio systems, consumer electronics, hand-held electronics, industrial systems, network communication systems, and aerospace systems.