The GD32F303RET6 is a 64-pin low-power, low-cost ARM microcontroller manufactured by Gigadevice. It has embedded SRAM of 64kB and Flash of 512kB allowing for faster data storage and retrieval. It is based on the 32-bit Cortex-M4 processor core running at 120 MHz clock frequency. The device features on-chip modules such as clock, reset and power management module, 4-to-16 bit timer and watchdog timer, thermometer, 12-bit ADC/16-channel-DAC, DMA controller, USB OTG/Host controller, debug port, 12-channel general purpose I/O ports, and external bus interface. Its 64-pin LQFP package provides greater levels of integration and power efficiency, and its advanced debug features ensure reliable application development and debugging. This device is suitable for a wide range of embedded systems and applications such as industrial automation, home automation, audio systems, and healthcare.