GSK-1110 Obstacle Avoiding Robot User Manual INTRODUCTION The GSK-1110 robot navigates its way around obstacles through the use of its photo sensors. The microprocessor directs evasive action by reversing and turning the robot until it finds its way around the obstacle blocking its path. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS The PCB is divided into two boards, the AVR2 and the Sensor 3-1. Please follow the Diagram (Figure 2) below and the printed silkscreen on the PCB for component Sensor Board placement. Please follow the printed 0.125 W Resistors silkscreen on the PCB for component R1 500 -gr,blk,br,gd placement. It is best to add the lowest height R2, R5, R7 1 k -br,blk,rd,gd components to the board first: the low R4, R6 3 k -or,blk,rd,gd resistant components first and then the 0.25 W Resistors higher. It is important to note the direction of R3 10 -br,blk,blk,gd polarity of the diodes, capacitors, and Transistors transistors. Please arrange them carefully TR1-TR3 = C9013 according to polarity before mounting them Control Board on board. Care must be taken when bending 0.25 W Resistors any of the leads. Hold the leads in needle R1, R2, R4 150 -br,gr,br,gd nose pliers when you bend the leads. Do not R3 50 -gr,blk,blk,gd R5, R14 1 k -br,blk,rd,gd bend them against the case by pushing them R6- R13 500 -gr,blk,br,gd over with your fingers as this can easily break Transistors the case. For the IDE port, press the pin of TR1,TR2,TR5,TR8 = C9012 IDE port to be level with the black plastic TR3,TR4,TR6,TR7 = C9013 before soldering. Use a 40 W solder and Diode solder tin with a tin and lead ratio of 60/40 D1 = 1N400 together with a joint solution inside. Recheck IC the assembled circuit for proper solder joints. IC1 = ATTINY2313 The Body set is explained in more detail below with step-by-step instructions with pictures. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The circuit is composed of 2 major pars, the sensor board and control board. The Sensor board consists of a transmitter and a receiver circuit. The transmitter is composed of TR2 and LED (INF). Variable Resistor (VR3) functions as an infrared light level adjustor. At the receiver portion, the phototransistor receives infrared light from the LED (INF) and allows voltage to pass. The more light is reflected, the smaller the internal resistance, which allows a larger voltage to pass through. Less light reflected means a greater resistance, which allows a smaller voltage across. TR1 and TR3 will be used when the phototransistor receives infrared light. The control board contains the microcontroller IC1. When the photo-transistor is not receiving any infrared light, IC1 will send the voltage to pin 12 and pin 15 which drives both the motors forward. If light is received by the photo-transistor, the motor will run in reverse. The IDE port is used to connect the AVR to a programmer. TESTING For testing purposes, put the jumper at J2 instead of J1. Insert two AA batteries into the battery holder. Adjust VR1, VR2, and VR3 to the middle position and slide the switch (SW) to the ON position. The LED on the sensor board should light up. Put the robot down and test the sensors by putting something in front of the robot. This should cause the robot to avoid this object and turn the other direction. VR1 and VR2 can vary the sensitivity of the phototransistors. Adjust them counter clockwise for decreasing sensitivity and clockwise for increasing sensitivity Note: If the jumper is placed at J1, it is using only the left and right sensors. If the jumper is not at J1, then all three sensors are being used (left, right, and center). Figure 1. GSK-1110 Obstacle Avoiding Robot Circuit