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X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of BP100-0.008-00-11/250 Thermal Interface Products across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. BP100-0.008-00-11/250 Thermal Interface Products are a product manufactured by Henkel. We provide cost-effective solutions for Thermal Interface Products, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

BP100-0.008-00-11/250 Henkel

BP100-0.008-00-11/250 electronic component of Henkel
BP100-0.008-00-11/250 Henkel
BP100-0.008-00-11/250 Thermal Interface Products
BP100-0.008-00-11/250  Thermal Management

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See Product Specifications
Part No. BP100-0.008-00-11/250
Manufacturer: Henkel
Category: Thermal Interface Products
Description: Thermal Interface Products Thermally Conductive, Fiberglass Reinforced Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape, 0.008" Thickness, 11 Inch x 250 Foot Roll, Bond-Ply TBP 850 Series / Also Known as Bergquist Bond-Ply 100 Series, IDH 2190228
Datasheet: BP100-0.008-00-11/250 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 4368.6605 ea
Line Total: USD 4368.66 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Wed. 12 Mar to Fri. 14 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 4368.6605
10 : USD 4111.7318
50 : USD 3886.963
100 : USD 3689.6969
500 : USD 3562.938
1000 : USD 3418.6033
2000 : USD 3418.2973
5000 : USD 3418.082
10000 : USD 3417.844

Product Category
Breakdown Voltage
Minimum Operating Temperature
Maximum Operating Temperature
Tensile Strength
Flammability Rating
Designed For
Product Type
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the BP100-0.008-00-11/250 from our Thermal Interface Products category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the BP100-0.008-00-11/250 and other electronic components in the Thermal Interface Products category and beyond.

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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 496, 50G
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LOCTITE 9464, 50ML
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Thrml Mgmt Access Thermal Insulator Gray
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Stock Image EA 9461 A&B, 50ML
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Stock Image EA 3478, 453G
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Image Part-Description
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Technical Data Sheet BERGQUIST BOND PLY TBP 850 Known as BERGQUIST BOND-PLY 100 August -2021 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TYPICAL PROPERTIES Thermally Conductive, Fiberglass Reinforced Pressure Physical Properties Sensitive Adhesive Tape . Temperature Coefficientof Resistance ,C 200 Elongation ,45 to warp and fill,ASTM D412,% 70 Technology Acrylic Coefficientof Thermal Expansion, ASTM D 3386325 Appearance White ,ppm Reinforcement Carrier Fiberglass Glass Transition Temperature ,ASTM D1356 ,C -30 Total Thickness , 0.127,0.203,0.279 mm Flammability Rating, UL 94 V-0 ASTM D374 Tensile Strength ,ASTM D412 MPa 6 Application Thermal management, (psi) ( 900) Thermally conductive adhesive Operating Temperature -40 to 120C Adhesion Properties Range Lap Shear Strength ,ASTM D1002: 25C MPa 0.7 FEATURES AND BENEFITS (psi) (100) Thermal impedance: 50 psi After 5 hours 100C MPa 1.4 Highbond strength to a variety of surfaces (psi) ( 200) Double- sided, pressure sensitive adhesive tape After 2 minutes 200C MPa 1.4 Highperformance, thermally conductive acrylic (psi) ( 200) adhesive Can be used as an alternate of heat-cure adhesive, Static Dead Weight Shear Strength ,PSTC 7,C 150 screw mounting or clipmounting Electrical Properties TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Dielectric Breakdown Voltage ,ASTM D149: Mount heat sink onto BGA graphic processor or drive 0.005 (Vac) 3,000 processor 0.008 (Vac) 6,000 Mount heat spreader onto power converter PCB or onto 0.011 (Vac) 8,500 motor control PCB Thermal Properties SHELF LIFE Thermal Conductivity ,ASTM D5470,W/(m-K) 0.8 The double- sided, pressure sensitive adhesive used in Thermal Impedance vs. Pressure LOCTITEBERGQUIST BONDPLY products requires the TO-220 Thermal Performance ,C/W : use of dual liners to protect the surfaces from contaminants. 0.005 : The recommended shelf lifefor BERGQUIST BOND PLY 10 psi 5.17 TBP 850is 6 months at a maximum continuous storage 25 psi 4.87 temperature of 35C or 3-months at a maximum continuous 50 psi 4.49 storage temperature of 45C, for maintenance of controlled 100 psi 4.18 adhesion to the liner. 200 psi 4.1 The shelflifeof the Bond Ply material, without consideration of liner adhesion (which is often not critical for manual assembly processing), is recommended at 12 months from date of manufacture at a maximum continuous storage temperature of 60C. TDS BERGQUIST BONDPLY TBP 850, August -2021 0.008 : Conversions (C x 1.8)+ 32 = F 10 psi 5.4 kV/mm x 25.4= V/mil 25 psi 5.35 mm /25.4= inches 50 psi 5.28 Nx 0.225= lb/F 100 psi 5.22 N/mm x 5.71= lb/in 200 psi 5.2 psi x 145 = N/mm MPa = N/mm Nm x 8.851 = lbin 0.011 : Nm x 0.738= lbft 10 psi 6.59 Nmm x 0.142= ozin 25 psi 6.51 mPas = cP 50 psi 6.51 100 psi 6.5 Disclaimer The information provided in this Technical Data Sheet (TDS) including the 200 psi 6.4 recommendations for use and application of the product are based on our knowledge and experience of the product as at the date of this TDS. The 2 (1) product can have a variety of different applications as well as differing Thermal Impedance ,ASTM D5470,C-in /W : application and working conditions in your environment that are beyond our 0.005 : control. Henkel is, therefore, not liablefor the suitability of our product for the 10 psi 0.56 production processes and conditions in respect of which you use them, as well as the intended applications and results. We strongly recommend that you 25 psi 0.54 carry out your own prior trials to confirm such suitability of our product. Any 50 psi 0.52 liabilityin respect of the information in the Technical Data Sheet or any other written or oral recommendation(s) regarding the concerned product is 100 psi 0.5 excluded, except ifotherwise explicitly agreed and except in relation to death 200 psi 0.5 or personal injury caused by our negligence and any liabilityunder any applicablemandatory product liabilitylaw. In case products are delivered by Henkel Belgium NV, Henkel Electronic 0.008 : Materials NV, Henkel Nederland BV, Henkel Technologies France SAS 10 psi 0.82 and Henkel France SA please additionally note the following: Incase Henkel would be nevertheless heldliable,on whatever legalground, 25 psi 0.8 Henkels liabilitywillin no event exceed the amount of the concerned delivery. 50 psi 0.78 In case products are delivered by Henkel Colombiana, S.A.S.the following disclaimer is applicable: 100 psi 0.77 The information provided in this Technical Data Sheet (TDS) including the 200 psi 0.75 recommendations for use and application of the product are based on our knowledge and experience of the product as at the date of this TDS. Henkel is, therefore, not liablefor the suitability of our product for the production 0.011 : processes and conditions in respect of which you use them, as well as the intended applications and results. We strongly recommend that you carry out 10 psi 1.03 your own prior trials to confirm such suitability of our product. 25 psi 1.02 Any liabilityin respect of the information in the Technical Data Sheet or any 50 psi 1.01 other written or oral recommendation(s) regarding the concerned product is excluded, except ifotherwise explicitly agreed and except in relation to death 100 psi 1.0 or personal injury caused by our negligence and any liabilityunder any 200 psi 0.99 applicablemandatory product liabilitylaw. In case products are delivered by Henkel Corporation, or Henkel Canada Corporation, the following disclaimer is applicable: The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed I)The ASTM D5470 test fixture was used. The recorded value includes interfacial thermal to be reliable.We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by resistance. These values are provided for reference only. Actual application performance others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user s responsibility is directly related to the surface roughness, flatness and pressure applied. to determine suitability for the user s purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be GENERAL INFORMATION involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Henkel For safe handling information on this product, consult the Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, Safety Data Sheet, (SDS). including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporations products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential Not for product specifications or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion The technical data contained herein are intended as herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as reference only. Please contact your local quality department representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others for assistance and recommendations on specifications for or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test this product. his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or CONFIGURATIONS AVAILABLE patent applications. BERGQUIST BONDPLY TBP 850 are supplied in: Trademark usage Except as otherwise noted, alltrademarks in this document are trademarks of Sheet form Henkel Corporation in the U.S. and elsewhere. denotes a trademark Rollform registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Die-Cut parts Reference 3 For the most direct access to local sales and technical support visit:

Tariff Desc

8547.9 TC 8535449 SHEETING OR SHAPES, electrically insulating, thermally conductive,
being combinations of two OR more of the following:
(a) silicone rubber;
(b) glass fibre;
(c) boron nitride;
(d) polyimide;
(e) copper
Bergquist Company
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