The CD4081BN with Gates and Inverters DIP-14 RoHS manufactured by HTC Korea is a quad two-input AND gate integrated circuit that offers two functions in one package. Each of the four AND gates has two independent inputs (A0, B0; A1, B1; A2, B2; A3, B3) and one common output (Q). This device works by taking two logic inputs and combining them using a logical AND operation to create a single, digital output. The output will be "high" if both inputs are “high”, and will be "low" if either input is "low". The CD4081BN is capable of operation in either normal (positive) logic or negative logic. It features very low power dissipation and includes standard TTL inputs. It is packaged in a 14-pin PDIP configuration, making it suitable for through-hole PCB mounting. The device meets RoHS standards and is highly reliable, making it an ideal solution for applications requiring low-power, high-speed logic.