IS31IO7326 DEBOUNCED 88 KEY-SCAN CONTROLLER January 2012 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The IS31IO7326 is a 64 key, key-scan controller. It 2.4V to 5.5V operation 2 offloads the burden of keyboard scanning from the host 400kHz I C serial interface processor. The IS31IO7326 supports keypad matrix of Available for multi-key press detect up to 88. Key press and release events are encoded Low 0.3A (typ.) standby current into a byte format and loaded into a key event register Operate in -40C to +125C for retrieval by the host processor. Pb-free 4mm 4mm QFN-24 package The IS31IO7326 integrates a debounce function which rejects false or transient key switch activities. The interrupt output (INT) is used to signify if there are any APPLICATIONS keypad activities. Keypad of QWERTY type phones To minimize power, the IS31IO7326 automatically PDAs, games, and other handheld applications enters a low power standby mode when there is no keypad, I/O, or host activity. The IS31IO7326 is available in a Pb-free 4mm 4mm QFN-24 package. TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT VBattery 100k 1 VBattery 21 PP0 VCC 2 PP1 1 F 0.1 F 3 PP2 4 PP3 V 14 DD PP4 15 4.7k 4.7k 4.7k PP5 16 19 PP6 SCL 17 20 PP7 SDA Micro IS31IO7326 22 5 Controller INT OD0 23 6 RST OD1 7 100k OD2 8 OD3 10 18 OD4 AD0 11 24 OD5 AD1 12 9 OD6 GND 13 OD7 Figure 1 Typical Application Circuit 1 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev.A, 12/19/2011 IS31IO7326 PIN CONFIGURATION Package Pin Configuration (Top View) QFN-24 PIN DESCRIPTION No. Pin Description 1~4, 14~17 PP0~PP7 Output ports. 5~8, 10~13 OD0~OD7 Input ports. 9 GND Ground. 18 AD0 Address setting. 19 SCL I2C serial clock. 20 SDA I2C serial data. 21 VCC Power supply voltage. 22 Interrupt output, active low. INT 23 Reset input, active low. RST 24 AD1 Address setting. Thermal Pad Connect to GND. Copyright2011IntegratedSiliconSolution,Inc.Allrightsreserved.ISSIreservestherighttomakechangestothisspecificationanditsproductsatany timewithoutnotice.ISSIassumesnoliabilityarisingoutoftheapplicationoruseofanyinformation,productsorservicesdescribedherein.Customersare advisedtoobtainthelatestversionofthisdevicespecificationbeforerelyingonanypublishedinformationandbeforeplacingordersforproducts. IntegratedSiliconSolution,Inc.doesnotrecommendtheuseofanyofitsproductsinlifesupportapplicationswherethefailureormalfunctionofthe productcanreasonablybeexpectedtocausefailureofthelifesupportsystemortosignificantlyaffectitssafetyoreffectiveness.Productsarenot authorizedforuseinsuchapplicationsunlessIntegratedSiliconSolution,Inc.receiveswrittenassurancetoitssatisfaction,that: a.)theriskofinjuryordamagehasbeenminimized b.)theuserassumeallsuchrisks and c.)potentialliabilityofIntegratedSiliconSolution,Incisadequatelyprotectedunderthecircumstances 2 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev.A, 12/19/2011