The DCG20C1200HR is a three-phase diode bridge rectifier circuit with Schottky diodes and rectifiers that are powered by the IXYS Isoplus247 PWRDIODE. It can handle high-current, high-frequency applications, with a peak-reverse voltage (VPR) rating of 1,200 volts and a maximum reverse current (IR) of 20 amperes. This circuit delivers a wide range of improvements over other rectifying solutions, particularly in switch-mode power supplies and motor control applications. Its superior thermal performance and low forward voltage drop ensures improved switching speeds and high efficiency, while its low forward current enables low-power operation at high frequencies. Additionally, due to its low capacitive design, the device is able to handle fast switching situations safely and with minimal dissipated power. Thanks to its isolation technology, high-power transience can be managed without the need for over-designing.