X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of SDT310LTC100A3850 Temperature Sensor Development Tools across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. SDT310LTC100A3850 Temperature Sensor Development Tools are a product manufactured by KOA Speer. We provide cost-effective solutions for Temperature Sensor Development Tools, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

SDT310LTC100A3850 KOA Speer

SDT310LTC100A3850 electronic component of KOA Speer
SDT310LTC100A3850 KOA Speer
SDT310LTC100A3850 Temperature Sensor Development Tools
SDT310LTC100A3850  Embedded Solutions

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See Product Specifications
Part No. SDT310LTC100A3850
Manufacturer: KOA Speer
Category: Temperature Sensor Development Tools
Datasheet: SDT310LTC100A3850 Datasheet (PDF)
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We are delighted to provide the SDT310LTC100A3850 from our Temperature Sensor Development Tools category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the SDT310LTC100A3850 and other electronic components in the Temperature Sensor Development Tools category and beyond.

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SDT310 small type platinum thin film thermal sensors EU features T.C.R. is in accordance to JIS-DIN IEC standards The small package with a real ability of 1k resistance Thermal time constant is improved with the small package Products with lead-free terminations meet EU RoHS requirements. Pb located in glass material, electrode and resistor element is exempt per Annex 1, exemption 5 of EU directive 2005/95/EC. Dimensions inches (mm) dimensions Type L Wt f d (Nom.) l and construction .031.008 .315.079 SDT310AP (0.80.2) (82) Lead Weld Reinforcing Coating L l SDT310P, SDT310LTC, +.179 Protective Lead Wire .394 -.079 Coating d SDT310LTC SDT310HLTC, +5 (10 ) -2 .118.010 .047 max. SDT310MT t W f (3.00.25) (1.2 max.) .079.010 .043.010 .008.002 SDT310P (2.00.25) (1.10.25) (0.20.05) Welding Lead Weld .315.079 Point Reinforcing Coating Platinum Ceramic Thin Film Substrate l L l (82) SDT310MTM Protective Coating Lead Wire SDT310A d +.179 t W .197.004 .047.004 .043 max012.004 .394 -.079 SDT310HLTC +5 (5.00.10) (1.20.10) (1.1 max.) (0.30.10) (10 ) -2 Welding Point Ceramic Platinum Substrate Thin Film ordering information SDT310 2B LT C 100 B 3850 Temperature Terminal Surface Nominal T.C.R. Type Size Code Class -6 Range Temperature Resistance (x 10 /K) Nil: Standard LT: -55C~+155C C: SnCu (SDT310LT, 100: 100 A: (0.15+0.002 t ) SDT310HLT) A Nil: -55C~+400C 500: 500 B: (0.3+0.005 t ) P: Pt clad wire H MT: -55C~+650C 1K: 1k C: (1.0+0.01 t ) (SDT310, SDT310A) 10: 10 K: 10%(SDT310A) M: PtIr (SDT310MT) (SDT310AP) applications and ratings Resistance Tolerance Thermal Thermal Operating Part Resistance T.C.R. Specified Range Class Time Dissipation Temperature Designation Tolerance (ppm/C)* Current*** 0C (C) Constant** Constant** Range A:(0.15+0.002 t ) 0.059% 100, 500, -55C to B:(0.3+0.005 t ) 0.12% SDT310LTC 1k +155C C:(1.0+0.01 t ) 0.39% A:(0.15+0.002 t ) 0.059% 7 seconds in -55C to 0.9mW/C stationary air 100, 500, +400C B:(0.3+0.005 t ) SDT310P 0.12% 10, 100 1k 3850 C:(1.0+0.01 t ) 0.39% 1mA Max. -55C to 500, 1K B:(0.3+0.005 t ) 0.12% +650C SDT310MTM 100 0.1mA Max. C:(1.0+0.01 t ) 0.39% A:(0.15+0.002 t ) 0.059% -55C to 2.8 seconds in B:(0.3+0.005 t ) 0.12% SDT310HLTC 1k 1.0mW/C stationary air +155C C:(1.0+0.01 t ) 0.39% -55C to 6 seconds in 10% SDT310AP 10 1.0mW/C 38502% stationary air +400C * T.C.R. measuring temperature: 0C/+100C. ** Thermal time constant and thermal dissipation constant are values measured in stationary air and are typical values, which are values of elements and vary with connecting or fixing methods. *** The electricity which it is charged with in the element is moved to the range that rise in temperature due to a self-heat generation can be ignored. Recommended measuring currents are 1mA for 100 and 0.1mA for 500 or 1k. SDT310AP can be used as hot-film sensor. Maximum specified current is 100mA when using under self-heating condition. Specifications given herein may be changed at any time without prior notice. Please confirm technical specifications before you order and/or use. 11/20/18 KOA Speer Electronics, Inc. 199 Bolivar Drive Bradford, PA 16701 USA 814-362-5536 Fax: 814-362-8883 www.koaspeer.com 235 thermal sensorsthermal sensors SDT310 small type platinum thin film thermal sensors environmental applications -1997 Temperature Characteristics Pt100 Resistance - Temperature Characteristic (JIS C1604 ) 100 at 0C 3.4 Temperature 3.0 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 (C) 2.6 -50 80.31 79.91 79.51 79.11 78.72 78.32 -40 84.27 83.87 83.48 83.08 82.69 82.29 81.89 81.50 81.10 80.70 2.2 -30 88.22 87.83 87.43 87.04 86.64 86.25 85.85 85.46 85.06 84.67 1.8 -20 92.16 91.77 91.37 90.98 90.59 90.19 89.80 89.40 89.01 88.62 1.385 1.4 -10 96.09 95.69 95.30 94.91 94.52 94.12 93.73 93.34 92.95 92.55 0 100.00 99.61 99.22 98.83 98.44 98.04 97.65 97.26 96.87 96.48 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -0.8 0 100.00 100.39 100.78 101.17 101.56 101.95 102.34 102.73 103.12 103.51 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 10 103.90 104.29 104.68 105.07 105.46 105.85 106.24 106.63 107.02 107.40 Ambient Temperature 20 107.79 108.18 108.57 108.96 109.35 109.73 110.12 110.51 110.90 111.29 (C) 30 111.67 112.06 112.45 112.83 113.22 113.61 114.00 114.38 114.77 115.15 40 115.54 115.93 116.31 116.70 117.08 117.47 117.86 118.24 118.63 119.01 Approximate Expression for Resistance- 50 119.40 119.78 120.17 120.55 120.94 121.32 121.71 122.09 122.47 122.86 Temperature Characteristics 2 3 60 123.24 123.63 124.01 124.39 124.78 125.16 125.54 125.93 126.31 126.69 -55C~0C :R =R 1+C T+C T +C (T-100) T T 0 1 2 3 2 0C~+650C :R =R (1+C T+C T ) 70 127.08 127.46 127.84 128.22 128.61 128.99 129.37 129.75 130.13 130.52 T 0 1 2 80 130.90 131.28 131.66 132.04 132.42 132.80 133.18 133.57 133.95 134.33 R : Resistance value at TC T 90 134.71 135.09 135.47 135.85 136.23 136.61 136.99 137.37 137.75 138.13 R : Resistance value at 0C 0 T : Ambient temperature(C) 100 138.51 138.88 139.26 139.64 140.02 140.40 140.78 141.16 141.54 141.91 Constants C , C , C : 1 2 3 110 142.29 142.67 143.05 143.43 143.80 144.18 144.56 144.94 145.31 145.69 -3 -1 C =3.908310 C 1 120 146.07 146.44 146.82 147.20 147.57 147.95 148.33 148.70 149.08 149.46 -7 -2 C =-5.77510 C 2 130 149.83 150.21 150.58 150.96 151.33 151.71 152.08 152.46 152.83 153.21 -12 -4 C =-4.18310 C 3 140 153.58 153.96 154.33 154.71 155.08 155.46 155.83 156.20 156.58 156.95 150 157.33 157.70 158.07 158.45 158.82 159.19 159.56 159.94 160.31 160.68 160 161.05 161.43 161.80 162.17 162.54 162.91 163.29 163.66 164.03 164.40 170 164.77 165.14 165.51 165.89 166.26 166.63 167.00 167.37 167.74 168.11 180 168.48 168.85 169.22 169.59 169.96 170.33 170.70 171.07 171.43 171.80 190 172.17 172.54 172.91 173.28 173.65 174.02 174.38 174.75 175.12 175.49 200 175.86 176.22 176.59 176.96 177.33 177.69 178.06 178.43 178.79 179.16 210 179.53 179.89 180.26 180.63 180.99 181.36 181.72 182.09 182.46 182.82 220 183.19 183.55 183.92 184.28 184.65 185.01 185.38 185.74 186.11 186.47 230 186.84 187.20 187.56 187.93 188.29 188.66 189.02 189.38 189.75 190.11 240 190.47 190.84 191.20 191.56 191.92 192.29 192.65 193.01 193.37 193.74 250 194.10 194.46 194.82 195.18 195.55 195.91 196.27 196.63 196.99 197.35 260 197.71 198.07 198.43 198.79 199.15 199.51 199.87 200.23 200.59 200.95 270 201.31 201.67 202.03 202.39 202.75 203.11 203.47 203.83 204.19 204.55 280 204.90 205.26 205.62 205.98 206.34 206.70 207.05 207.41 207.77 208.13 290 208.48 208.84 209.20 209.56 209.91 210.27 210.63 210.98 211.34 211.70 300 212.05 212.41 212.76 213.12 213.48 213.83 214.19 214.54 214.90 215.25 310 215.61 215.96 216.32 216.67 217.03 217.38 217.74 218.09 218.44 218.80 320 219.15 219.51 219.86 220.21 220.57 220.92 221.27 221.63 221.98 222.33 330 222.68 223.04 223.39 223.74 224.09 224.45 224.80 225.15 225.50 225.85 340 226.21 226.56 226.91 227.26 227.61 227.96 228.31 228.66 229.02 229.37 350 229.72 230.07 230.42 230.77 231.12 231.47 231.82 232.17 232.52 232.87 360 233.21 233.56 233.91 234.26 234.61 234.96 235.31 235.66 236.00 236.35 370 236.70 237.05 237.40 237.74 238.09 238.44 238.79 239.13 239.48 239.83 380 240.18 240.52 240.87 241.22 241.56 241.91 242.26 242.60 242.95 243.29 390 243.64 243.99 244.33 244.68 245.02 245.37 245.71 246.06 246.40 246.75 400 247.09 247.44 247.78 248.13 248.47 248.81 249.16 249.50 249.85 250.19 410 250.53 250.88 251.22 251.56 251.91 252.25 252.59 252.93 253.28 253.62 420 253.96 254.30 254.65 254.99 255.33 255.67 256.01 256.35 256.70 257.04 430 257.38 257.72 258.06 258.40 258.74 259.08 259.42 259.76 260.10 260.44 440 260.78 261.12 261.46 261.80 262.14 262.48 262.82 263.16 263.50 263.84 Note: Desired temperature values are obtained by adding temperatures in the vertical and horizontal axes. When calculating a resistance value of 105C, read the value in the column where 100C in the vertical axis and 5C in the horizontal axis cross. The value will be 140.40. The value for 500 at 0C will be the value obtained by multiplying the resistance value in this table by 5. Similarly, the value for 1K at 0C will be the value obtained by multiplying the resistance value by 10. Specifications given herein may be changed at any time without prior notice. Please confirm technical specifications before you order and/or use. 12/31/10 236 KOA Speer Electronics, Inc. 199 Bolivar Drive Bradford, PA 16701 USA 814-362-5536 Fax: 814-362-8883 www.koaspeer.com Resistance Value Ratio

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