Preset counter electronical TTyyppee 990011 YYoouurr bbeenneeffiitt FFuurrtthheerr pprroodduucctt ffeeaattuurreess Replacement for electromechanical Data security, trough 2 exchangeable preset counters lithium batteries, life time minimum 8 no power supply necessary (battery- years operated) easy programming Count and reset input electrically sepa- Counter presets easily via presetting keys rated from counter through optocoupler allocated to each decade input range 12 ... 250 V AC/DC OOuuttppuutt 2 line LC display count, preset and level Potential free relay, programmable nor- of the output mally open or normally closed contact screw terminal approval TTeecchhnniiccaall ddaattaa Power supply: 2 pcs user exchangeable lithium-batteries max. switching voltage: 250 V AC/220 V DC Type 1/2 AA lithium 3,6 V max. switching current: 2 A Display: 2 line LCD display, 6 digits: 999999 max. switching capacity: 60 VA/30 W height of figures 7 or 4.5 mm Output responce < 20 ms, max. 4 Hz Input: Reset, count and key lock inputs time 6 Polarity of the inputs: bidirectional optocoupler input for the reset Data retention: via 2 batteries 8 years at 5x10 and count inputs power operations of the output relay and an Reset, count and keyboard lock is connected ambient temperature of 25 C to +3 V DC Ambient temperature: 10 ... +50 C Min pulse duration Reset input: 50 ms Storage temperature: 25 ... +60 C of the inputs: Keyboard lock input: 15 ms EMC: according to EC EMC directive 89/36/EWG Switching levels Low: < 3 V AC/DC EN 61 000-6-4/EN 55011 class B of the inputs: High: 12 ... 250 V AC/DC EN 61 000-6-2 Input frequency: max: 25 Hz UL: File E128604 Input resistance: 110 k Protection: IP65 (front) Output: bistable relay with potential free contact Weight: appr. 80 g (programmable as normally closed or normally opened contact) PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg PPrreesseettttiinngg:: The counter is programmed using the keys on the front. The The preset value is indicated on the lower row of digits. To set menu is shown on the display. The following modes are it, use the 6 presetting buttons assigned to each decade. The programmable: set value will be accepted with the next set or reset operation. 1. Count mode (adding or subtracting) OOvveerrffllooww aanndd uunnddeerrffllooww:: 2. Latch or automatic cycle In the adding mode the overflow is 999 999 to 0 in the subtract- 3. Output (normally open or normally closed) ing mode it is 0 to 999 999. The output signal remains unaffect- 4. Display Hold during automatic cycles in steps of 100 ms ed. between 100 and 500 ms. LLoo--BBaatt--iinnddiiccaattoorr:: 5. Decimal point up to max. 3 decimal places. When the battery charge is too low, LLoo--bbaatt appears in the FFuunnccttiioonn ooff tthhee oouuttppuutt:: lower display. This flashes on a two second cycle. When lo-bat Adding: is indicated, the battery should be changed as soon as possi- Relay is active , when actual value > preset ble. Subtracting: CChhaannggiinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy:: Relay is active , when actual value < 0 Push the battery cover back and remove the batteries, making When the relay is active a colon will appear at the bottom left certain that polarity is correct. (observe terminal on PCB) of the display NNoottee:: Changing the battery should not take longer than 2 min. OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee ccoouunntteerr:: otherwise, the count and preset values as well as the parame- Setting or resetting. ters will get lost and therefore must be set again. Press the red SET button or apply a pulse to the reset input to set the counter to zero in the adding mode or to the preset in the subtracting mode. 3/2005 126 www.kuebler.comPreset counter electronical TTeerrmmiinnaall bblloocckk:: EExxaammppllee ooff ccoonnnneeccttiioonn:: count key lock PPiinn 1 +3 V DC for terminal 2 2 keyboard lock-input 3 Relay contact 4 Relay contact 5 AC/DC optocoupler count input 6 AC/DC optocoupler reset input 7 common AC/DC input for terminal 6 and 5 DDiimmeennssiioonnss:: 990011 Panel cut-out 45 x 45 mm 990011 with front bezel No. 2 Panel cut-out 50 x 50 mm DDeelliivveerryy ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn:::: Counter 901 2 lithium batteries 1 Screw terminal 1 Front frame for screw mounting Panel cut-out 50 x 50 mm 1 Front frame for spring clip mount Panel cut-out 50 x 50 mm 1 Spring clip 1 Template for panel cut-out Flush Bf4 DIN 74 1 Operating instruction 990011 with front bezel No. 3 Panel cut-out 50 x 50 mm OOrrddeerr CCooddee:: 66..990011..001100..880000 3/2005 127 Preset counterPreset counter