PASSIVE COMPONENTS for Energy Harvesting Capacitors, SuperCapacitor, Schottky Diode, Inductors & Connectors AVX ordering PN: KIT-ENERGY HARVESTENERGY HARVESTING KIT ENERGY HARVESTING INTRODUCTION Energy harvesting is becoming a more practical solution to providing circuit power for a variety of reasons. First IC and general circuit power needs are generally dropping sometimes to levels unheard of just a few years ago. Next, the cost of energy harvester sources is dropping. Energy harvester efficiency and size are also improving dramatically thus allowing smaller, lighter & more reliable generator sources to be utilized. TEGS, solar cells, piezoelectric and micro wind turbines are all becoming viable energy sources. Storage capacitor cost and size are both dropping while the number of capacitor types & styles are increasing. A wide variety of ICs are now on the market that make energy harvesting as easy as selecting a source, sizing a storage capacitor and filtering the output. This kit is intended to serve as the passive glue for most energy harvesting sources & ICs. The kit contains low loss components intended for energy storage, blocking, IC support, output filtering and external connections. BLOCK DIAGRAM For design suggestions, part recommendations, or other assistance, please contact your local AVX sales representative, visit us at, or call us at 864-967-2150. 2