LMax Low Prolfi e/High Current Power Inductor LMLP Series Style D FEATURES INDUCTANCE AND RATED Shielded Construction CURRENT RANGES Large Current Rating 0405 0.1 H ~ 3.3 H 22 ~ 4 A 05A6 0.1 H ~ 4.7 H 45 ~ 5 A Lower Temperature Rise 0506 0.1 H ~ 4.7 H 27 ~ 8.2 A Low Profile 0707 0.1 H ~ 4.7 H 40 ~ 8 A Available on tape and reel 07A7 0.1 H ~ 10 H 50 ~ 7 A 07B7 0.1 H ~ 10 H 60 ~ 7 A 07C7 0.56 H ~ 10 H 12 ~ 4.5 A APPLICATIONS 1011 0.19 H ~ 47 H 90 ~ 3 A Personal Computers 13A3 0.1 H ~ 10 H 84 ~ 14 A Servers 1313 0.1 H ~ 10 H 118 ~ 16 A High Current POL Converters 13B3 0.1 H ~ 10 H 120 ~ 15.5 A Low Profile High Current Power Supplies All test data taken at 25C DC/DC Converters Operating Temperature Range: DC/DC Converters for FPGA -55C ~ +155C I : The current that causes an inductance drop of SAT approximately 25% (30% on 0405 size). I : DC Current that causes an approximate T of 40C. DC DIMENSIONS D B C F G F E H A Recommended Land Pattern mm Type A B C D E F G H 0405 4.00.3 4.450.25 1.80.2 0.80.3 1.50.3 1.5 2.22 2.5 05A6 5.20.2 5.70.7 1.80.2 1.10.3 2.50.3 2 2.2 2.8 0506 5.20.3 5.40.3 3.0MAX 1.20.2 2.20.3 1.9 2.2 2.5 0707 6.60.3 7.00.3 1.80.2 1.80.3 3.00.3 2.6 2.5 3.5 07B7 6.60.3 7.30.3 2.20.2 1.80.3 3.00.3 2.6 2.5 3.5 07A7 6.60.2 7.3MAX 3.0MAX 1.60.3 3.00.3 1.85 3.7 3.5 07C7 6.60.3 7.30.3 4.80.2 1.80.3 3.00.3 2.95 2.5 3.5 1011 10.00.3 11.150.35 4.0MAX 2.00.5 3.00.5 4.05 5.4 4.4 1313 12.80.5 13.51.0 5.0MAX 2.50.5 3.80.5 3.25 8 5 13B3 12.80.5 13.51.0 6.5MAX 2.50.5 3.20.5 3.25 8 5 HOW TO ORDER LM LP 0707 M R04 D T A S Family Series Size Tolerance Inductance Style Termination Special Packaging LM = Power Inductor LP = Low Profile 0707 = 7x7xh M = 20% R39 = 0.390H T = Sn Plate A = Standard S = 13 Reel 07A7 = 7x7xA(h) 3R9 = 3.900H (h = see catalog) 390 = 39.00H 391 = 390.0H The Important Information/Disclaimer is incorporated in the catalog where these specifications came from or 57 available online at www.avx.com/disclaimer/ by reference and should be reviewed in full before placing any order. 102720LMax Low Prolfi e/High Current Power Inductor LMLP Series Style D ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 0405 I (A) DCR (m) DCR (m) I (A) sat DC AVX PN Inductance (H) Tolerance Test Condition Typical Max Typical Typical LMLP0405MR10DTAS 0.1 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 3.5 4 12 22 LMLP0405MR15DTAS 0.15 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 6 6.6 9 13 LMLP0405MR22DTAS 0.22 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 6 6.6 9 12.5 LMLP0405MR47DTAS 0.47 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 12.5 14 7 9.5 LMLP0405MR56DTAS 0.56 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 14 16 6.5 10 LMLP0405MR68DTAS 0.68 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 16 18 6 9 LMLP0405M1R0DTAS 1 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 24 27 4.5 7 LMLP0405M1R2DTAS 1.2 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 24 27 4.5 7 LMLP0405M1R5DTAS 1.5 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 38 46 4 6 LMLP0405M2R2DTAS 2.2 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 52 58 3 5 LMLP0405M3R3DTAS 3.3 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 74 87 2.5 4 LMLP0405M4R7DTAS 4.7 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 98 110 2.2 3.5 LMLP0405M5R6DTAS 5.6 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 105 115 1.8 3.5 LMLP0405M6R8DTAS 6.8 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 160 175 1.5 2.5 LMLP0405M100DTAS 10 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 256 282 1.2 2.2 05A6 DCR (m) DCR (m) I (A) I (A) DC sat AVX PN Inductance (H) Tolerance Test Condition Typical Max Typical Typical LMLP05A6MR10DTAS 0.1 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 3.6 4 18 45 LMLP05A6MR15DTAS 0.15 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 3.8 4.6 16 27 LMLP05A6MR22DTAS 0.22 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 4 5.5 15 25 LMLP05A6MR24DTAS 0.24 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 6 7 13 23 LMLP05A6MR33DTAS 0.33 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 6.3 7.3 12 21.3 LMLP05A6MR47DTAS 0.47 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 7.3 8.6 11.5 18 LMLP05A6MR68DTAS 0.68 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 11 12.4 10 12.8 LMLP05A6M1R0DTAS 1 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 17.5 20 7 13.7 LMLP05A6M1R2DTAS 1.2 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 23 28 6.2 11 LMLP05A6M1R5DTAS 1.5 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 26.5 30.5 5.5 9.8 LMLP05A6M2R2DTAS 2.2 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 42 50 4.2 9 LMLP05A6M3R3DTAS 3.3 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 66 76 3.3 7.3 LMLP05A6M4R7DTAS 4.7 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 103 116 2.8 5 LMLP05A6M5R6DTAS 5.6 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 112 122 2.5 4 LMLP05A6M6R8DTAS 6.8 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 130 150 2.4 3.8 LMLP05A6M8R2DTAS 8.2 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 148 171 2.3 3.5 LMLP05A6M100DTAS 10 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 180 199 2.3 3.4 LMLP05A6M150DTAS 15 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 240 270 1.9 2.8 LMLP05A6M220DTAS 22 20% 100KHz, 0.25V 350 390 1.5 1.8 I : The current that causes an inductance drop of approximately 25% (30% on 0405 size). SAT I : DC Current that causes an approximate T of 40C. DC The Important Information/Disclaimer is incorporated in the catalog where these specifications came from or 58 available online at www.avx.com/disclaimer/ by reference and should be reviewed in full before placing any order. 102720