The LGB8206ATI with Littelfuse D2PAK, IGBT4 manufactured by Littelfuse is an advanced high voltage IGBT gate driver with full bridge bipolar gate output drivers. This IGBT4 has a low voltage supply range from 3.3V to 7V, a high voltage maximum supply of +200V, and a maximum gate drive current of 12A. This IGBT driver is optimized for use in automotive, industrial and other heavy duty applications, making it an ideal choice for applications such as solar inverters, UPS systems, and battery management systems. The LGB8206ATI offers superior noise immunity, optimal EMI performance, and fast switching speeds to ensure reliable operation. This makes it an ideal choice for applications that require high accuracy control and precise timing. With its full bridge bipolar output drivers and wide voltage input range, the LGB8206ATI provides efficient, reliable, and robust power switching for most power management applications.