The ATTINY412-SSNR with AVR microcontroller is a small, 8-pin SOIC (Small Outline Integrated Circuit) package manufactured by Microchip. It features 128 bytes of EEPROM, 256 bytes of SRAM, and 4 kilobytes of program Flash Memory for storage of the programmed AVR instruction set. It operates on a voltage supply range from 1.8V to 5.5V, and has built-in interfaces for SPI, UART, TWI, USI, and Interrupts. The 4kB Flash Memory and the 128 bytes of EEPROM allow it to store and execute programs, while the 256 bytes of SRAM provide on-chip memory for general purpose computing and data storage. The ATTINY412-SSNR is ideal for small-scale embedded applications such as in toys, games, portable devices, and monitor systems, as well as in a wide range of general-purpose computing and data storage applications.