X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of DM240016 Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. DM240016 Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC are a product manufactured by Microchip. We provide cost-effective solutions for Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

DM240016 Microchip

DM240016 electronic component of Microchip
DM240016 Microchip
DM240016 Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC
DM240016  Embedded Solutions

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See Product Specifications
Part No. DM240016
Manufacturer: Microchip
Category: Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC
Description: Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Board
Datasheet: DM240016 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 45.276 ea
Line Total: USD 45.28 
Availability - 22
Ship by Thu. 03 Apr to Mon. 07 Apr
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
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Ship by Mon. 07 Apr to Fri. 11 Apr
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 62.1432

Ship by Thu. 03 Apr to Mon. 07 Apr
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 45.276

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We are delighted to provide the DM240016 from our Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the DM240016 and other electronic components in the Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC category and beyond.

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PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Development Board Quick Start Guide Americas Asia/Pacific Atlanta, GA - 678-957-9614 Hong Kong - 852-2943-5100 Overview Austin, TX - 512-257-3370 Australia - Sydney - 61-2-9868-6733 Boston, MA - 774-760-0087 China - Beijing - 86-10-8569-7000 The PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Development Board (DM240016) is a demonstra- Chicago, IL - 630-285-0071 China - Chengdu - 86-28-8665-5511 tion, development and experimentation platform based on the PIC24FJ256GA705 Dallas, TX - 972-818-7423 China - Chongqing - 86-23-8980-9588 low-power, low-cost microcontroller. The board has a built-in programmer/debugger Detroit, MI - 248-848-4000 China - Dongguan - 86-769-8702-9880 and provides all of the hardware necessary to get started developing a complete Houston, TX - 281-894-5983 China - Guangzhou - 86-20-8755-8029 embedded application. Some key features of the board include: Indianapolis, IN - 317-773-8323 China - Hangzhou - 86-571-8792-8115 Los Angeles, CA - 949-462-9523 China - Hong Kong SAR - 852-2943-5100 PIC24FJ256GA705 general purpose, 16-bit microcontroller New York, NY - 631-435-6000 China - Nanjing- 86-25-8473-2460 PICkit On-Board (PKOB) circuit implements basic Phoenix, AZ - 480-792-7200 China - Qingdao - 86-532-8502-7355 programming/debugging ability Raleigh, NC - 919-844-7510 China - Shanghai - 86-21-3326-8000 MCLR Reset button + two general purpose push buttons San Jose, CA - 408-735-9110 China - Shenyang - 86-24-2334-2829 Canada - Toronto - 905-695-1980 China - Shenzhen - 86-755-8864-2200 Red/Green/Blue (RGB) LED + two general purpose indicator LEDs China - Wuhan - 86-27-5980-5300 10k potentiometer Europe China - Xiamen - 86-592-2388138 32.768 kHz crystal Austria - Wels - 43-7242-2244-39 China - Xian - 86-29-8833-7252 Female headers for access to microcontroller I/O pins Denmark - Copenhagen - 45-4450-2828 China - Zhuhai - 86-756-3210040 Finland - Espoo - 358-9-4520-820 Circuit prototyping area India - Bangalore - 91-80-3090-4444 France - Paris - 33-1-69-53-63-20 India - New Delhi - 91-11-4160-8631 Two mikroBUS interfaces for hardware expansion France - Saint Cloud - 33-1-30-60-70-00 India - Pune - 91-20-3019-1500 - Supports a wide variety of add-on click boards from MikroElektronica Germany - Garching - 49-8931-9700 Japan - Osaka - 81-6-6152-7160 (www.mikroe.com) Germany - Haan - 49-2129-3766400 Japan - Tokyo - 81-3-6880-3770 Germany - Heilbronn - 49-7131-67-3636 Korea - Daegu - 82-53-744-4301 Board Power-up Germany - Karlsruhe- 49-721-625370 Korea - Seoul - 82-2-554-7200 Germany - Munich - 49-89-627-144-0 The board is intended to be powered through the micro-B USB connector (USB1). Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur - 60-3-6201-9857 Germany - Rosenheim - 49-8031-354-560 Malaysia - Penang - 60-4-227-8870 A MIC5528 linear regulator (U5) generates the +3.3V rail used by the Israel - Raanana - 972-9-744-7705 Philippines - Manila - 63-2-634-9065 PIC24FJ256GA705 microcontroller. Italy - Milan - 39-0331-742611 Singapore - 65-6334-8870 Italy - Padova - 39-049-7625286 Taiwan - Hsin Chu - 886-3-5778-366 Getting Started Netherlands - Drunen - 31-416-690399 Taiwan - Kaohsiung - 886-7-213-7830 Microchip Technology provides several example projects that can be used to get Norway - Trondheim - 47-7289-7561 Taiwan - Taipei - 886-2-2508-8600 started with the PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Development Board. The source code, Poland - Warsaw - 48-22-3325737 Thailand - Bangkok - 66-2-694-1351 Romania - Bucharest - 40-21-407-87-50 the MPLAB X IDE, the XC16 C compiler and the MPLAB Code Configurator Spain - Madrid - 34-91-708-08-90 (MCC) can be obtained from: Sweden - Gothenberg - 46-31-704-60-40 FIGURE 1: PIC24FJ256GA7 CURIOSITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD SCHEMATICS REV. 1.0 (PAGE 1 OF 2) U1 PIC24FJ256GA705-I/PT (TQFP-48) 19 21 3V3 MCLR MCLR VREF+/CVREF+/AN0/C3INC/RP26/CTED1/ IOCA0/RA0 RA0 RGB RED 22 VCAP VREF-/CVREF-/AN1/C3IND/RP27/CTED2/RIOCA1/A1 RA1 RGB GREEN 7 33 VCAP OSCI/CLKI /C1NI D/IOCA2/RA2 RA2 OSCI 34 R1 Buttons OSCO/CLKO/C2IND/IOCA3/RA3 RA3 18 37 10k U1 VDD AVDD SOSCO/PWRLCLK/IOCA4/RA4 RA4 SOSCO J1 3V3 2 1 17 14 1% AVSS TCK/PMA7/IOCA7/RA7 RA7 R2 35 1 4 DNP TDO/PMA8/IOCA8/RA8 RA8 LED1 RA11 S1 Net Tie 30 38 VDD TDI/PMA9/IOCA9/RA9 RA9 LED2 470R 43 13 2 3 C1 NT1 VDD RA10 CSB 0603 TMS/RP28/PMA2/PMALU/IOCA10/RA10 8 10 F RA11 S1 1% S1 Current RPIN29/IOCA11/RA11 6 20 25V VSS RPIN30/IOCA12/RA12 RA12 S2 Measurement 31 32 3V3 0805 VSS RPIN31/IOCA13/RA13 RA13 RSTA 3V3 Point 42 44 VSS RPIN32/IOCA14/RA14 RA14 RSTB X1 4 23 R3 VDD PGD1/EMUD1/AN2/CTCMP/C2INB/RP0/IOCB0/RB0 RB0 TXA 1 3 24 10k STB OUT RA2 OSCI PGC1/EMUC1/AN1-/AN3/C2INA/RP1/CTED12/IOCB1/RB1 RB1 RXA 2 25 1% GND R4 AN4/C1INB/RP2/SDA2/CTED13/IOCB2/RB2 RB2 SDAA 26 1 4 RB3 SCLA RA12 S2 AN5/C1INA/RP3/SCL2/CTED8/IOCB3/RB3 DSC6011JI 1A-008.0000 27 36 C2 RC0 ANB AN10/RP16/PMBEI1/OCC0/RC0 SOSCI/RP4/IOCB4/RB4 RB4 SOSCI 470R DNP 28 45 2 3 DNP RC1 ANA AN11/RP17/PMA15/PMCS2/IOCC1/RC1 RB5 SDAB 0603 PGD3/EMUD3/RP5/ASDA1/OCM1E/PMD7/IOCB5/RB5 29 46 RC2 MOSIB AN12/RP18/PMACK1/IOCC2/RC2 PGC3/EMUC3/RP6/ASCL1/OCM1F/PMD6/IOCB6/RB6 RB6 SCLB 1% S2 39 47 RC3 PWMA AN13/RP19/PMBE0/IOCC3/RC3 RP7/OCM1A/CTED3/PMD5/INT0/IOCB7/RB7 RB7 TXB 40 48 RC4 PWMB RP20/PMA4/I OCC4/RC4 RP8/SCL1/OCM1B/CTED10/PMD4/IOCB8/RB8 RB8 RXB 3V3 41 1 RC5 INTB RP21/PMA3/IOCC5/RC5 1INC/C2INC/C3INC/ TMPRN/RP9/SDA1/T1CK/CTED4/PMD3/IOCB9/RB9C RB9 MISOB 2 9 / RC6 SCKB RP22/PMA1 PMALH/IOCC6/RC6 PGD2/EMUD2/RP10/OCM1C/CTED11/PMD2/IOCB10/RB10 RB10 PGD2 3 10 RC7 RGB BLUE RP23/PMA0/PMALL/IOCC7/RC7 PGC2/EMUC2/REFI1/RP11/CTED9/PMD1/IOCB11/RB11 RB11 PGC2 MCLR X2 4 11 RC8 INTA RP24/PMA5/I OCC8/RC8 RB12 POT AN8/LVDIN/RP12/PMD0/IOCB12/RB12 R5 Reset RB4 SOSCI RA4 SOSCO 5 12 RC9 CSA RP25/CTED7/PMA6/IOCC9/RC9 RB13 MISOA AN7/C1INC/RP13/OCM1D/CTPLS/PMRD/PMWR/IOCB13/RB13 4.7k 15 Button 32.768 kHz CVREF/AN6/C3INB/RP14/CTED5/PMWR/PMENB/IOCB14/RB14 RB14 MOSIA 0603 16 R6 3V3 AN9/C3INA/RP15/CTED6/PMA14/PMCS/PMCS1/IOCB15/RB15 RB15 SCKA 1% 4 1 C3 C4 MCLR J2 18 pF 18 pF 1k 1 3 2 VPP/MCLR 50V 50V 0603 MCLR 2 5% 5% VDD U1 VDD 1% S3 3 GND 4 ICSPDAT RB10 PGD2 General Purpose LEDs 5 ICSPCLK RB11 PGC2 6 Oscillators NC LED1 C5 C6 C7 C8 R7 DNP RGB LED 0.1 F 1 F 0.1 F RA8 LED1 0.1 F 5V 50V 16V 50V 820R 50V RED HDR-2.54 Male1X6 STAGGERED 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 1% LED2 2 R8 I C Pull-Ups (DNP) LED3 3V3 RA9 LED2 LED RGB 820R RED Note: Not populated, typically installed on Potentiometer Local VDD/VSS bypass/decoupling.) 0603 RED, GREEN, BLUE mikroBUS daughter board instead. 1% R9 R10 RB12 POT 3V3 R11 10k 330R R12 DNP 220R 0603 mikroBUS Interface A RB3 SCLA 0603 20% 1% C9 R13 DNP 1% DNP RB2 SDAA 1 16 R14 RC1 ANA AN PWM RC3 PWMA R15 R16 DNP 2 15 RA0 RGB RED 470R RA13 RSTA RST INT RC8 INTA RB6 SCLB 3 14 0603 RC9 CSA CS RX RB1 RXA 1k R17 DNP 4 13 1% RB15 SCKA SCK TX RB0 TXA RB5 SDAB 5 12 RB13 MISOA MISO SCL RB3 SCLA MMBT3904 3V3 6 11 5V R18 MOSI SDA RB2 SDAA Q1 3 RB14 MOSIA 7 10 R19 470R +3.3V +5V 1 8 9 RA1 RGB GREEN 0603 GND GND Prototyping Area C10 C11 4.7k 1% 2 0.1 F J3 0.1 F 0603 I/O Pin Access Headers 1 6 1 6 50V 50V 1% 2 5 2 5 HDR-2.54 Female 2x14 HDR-2.54 Female 2x14 0603 0603 3 4 3 4 J4 J5 3 R20 SC-70 SOT-23 Q2 U1 VDD 3V3 1 RC7 RGB BLUE RA14 RSTB RC5 INTB RB6 SCLB RB5 SDAB MMBT3904 4.7k mikroBUS Interface B RC4 PWMB RC3 PWMA RB8 RXB RB7 TXB 2 0603 RA9 LED2 RC6 SCKB RB9 MISOB 1% 3V3 RA4 SOSCO RC8 INTA RC7 RGB BLUE 1 16 RC0 ANB AN PWM RC4 PWMB 1k R21 RB4 SOSCI RC9 CSA 2 15 RA14 RSTB RST INT RC5 INTB RA8 LED1 5V VCAP RA11 S1 3 14 RA10 CSB CS RX RB8 RXB RA2 OSCI RA3 RB10 PGD2 RB11 PGC2 4 13 RC6 SCKB SCK TX RB7 TXB 1k R22 RC2 MOSIB RA13 RSTA RB12 POT 5V 5 12 RB9 MISOB MISO SCL RB6 SCLB 3V3 RB13 MISOA 3V3 6 11 5V RC2 MOSIB MOSI SDA RB5 SDAB RC1 ANA RC0 ANB RA7 RA10 CSB 7 10 +3.3V +5V RB3 SCLA RB2 SDAA RB15 SCKA RB14 MOSIA 8 9 GND GND RB1 RXA RB0 TXA RA12 S2 MCLR C12 C13 Designed with RA1 RGB GREEN RA0 RGB RED 3V3 J10 0.1 F 0.1 F 50V 50V 0603 0603 Altium.com DS50002589A 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 Pin 42 Pin 43 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Pin 31 Pin 30 Pin 17 Pin 18 Pin 17 Pin 18 3 4 RED 2 5 GR E EN 1 6 BLUE 2 1 3

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