Introducing the PIC24F32KA304 Plug-In Module Overview The PIC24F32KA304 PIM is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the PIC24F32KA304 family using the Explorer 16 Demonstration Board kit and the PICtail Plus Daughter Boards. Table 1 and Table 2 detail the pin mapping of the 44-pin device to the 100-pin PIM header. The 44-pin to 100-pin table lists the device pins and shows what functions are mapped to each. These tables are most useful for viewing multiplexing conflicts which prevent some functions from being used simultaneously. PIM Features The PIC24F32KA304 44-pin device is capable of performing all of the base functions on the Americas Europe Asia/Pacific 100-pin Explorer 16 board. In addition, the PIM is compatible with most of the PICtail Plus Atlanta - 678-957-9614 Austria - Weis - 43-7242-2244-39 Australia - Sydney - 61-2-9868-6733 Daughter Boards for the Explorer 16. Boston - 774-760-0087 Denmark - Copenhagen - 45-4450-2828 China - Beijing - 86-10-8528-2100 Chicago - 630-285-0071 France - Paris - 33-1-69-53-63-20 China - Chengdu - 86-28-8665-5511 PIM Functionality Cleveland - 216-447-0464 Germany - Munich - 49-89-627-144-0 China - Chongqing - 86-23-8980-9588 Dallas - 972-818-7423 Italy - Milan - 39-0331-742611 All of the built-in functionality on the Explorer 16 board can be used simultaneously, with the China - Hong Kong SAR - 852-2401-1200 Detroit - 248-538-2250 Netherlands - Drunen - 31-416-690399 China - Nanjing- 86-25-8473-2460 exception of switch, SW5, and LED10. This is because the Explorer 16 board has the LED Kokomo - 765-864-8360 Spain - Madrid - 34-91-708-08-90 China - Qingdao - 86-532-8502-7355 and switch wired to the same microcontroller I/O pin. All Pictail Plus Daughter Boards work Los Angeles - 949-462-9523 UK - Wokingham - 44-118-921-5869 China - Shanghai - 86-21-5407-5533 by themselves however, most daughter boards will not work if two are installed simultane- Phoenix - 480-792-7200 China - Shenyang - 86-24-2334-2829 ously. Additionally, a PICtail Plus Daughter Board may not work with all of the default Santa Clara - 408-961-6444 08/04/10 China - Shenzhen - 86-755-8203-2660 Toronto - 905-673-0699 Explorer 16 functionality. If a PICtail Plus Daughter Board is designed to work with a Micro- China - Wuhan - 86-27-5980-5300 China - Xiamen - 86-592-2388138 chip stack, the stack will need to be modified to function with the PIM pinout. Please check China - Xian - 86-29-8833-7252 the pinouts of the components you are using to ensure compatibility before attempting to China - Zhuhai - 86-756-3210040 use multiple peripheral functions or PICtail Plus Daughter Boards at the same time. India - Bangalore - 91-80-3090-4444 India - New Delhi - 91-11-4160-8631 Tips for Using the PIC24F32KA India - Pune - 91-20-2566-1512 Japan - Yokohama - 81-45-471-6166 The PIC24F32KA304 port pins are not mapped to the corresponding port I/O on the Korea - Daegu - 82-53-744-4301 Explorer 16. Korea - Seoul - 82-2-554-7200 Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur - 60-3-6201-9857 Make sure to use the following pinout tables as a cross-reference to ensure you use the Malaysia - Penang - 60-4-227-8870 correct device pin in your application. Philippines - Manila - 63-2-634-9065 Many of the peripherals used by the Explorer 16 and PICtail Plus Daughter Boards are Singapore - 65-6334-8870 Taiwan - Hsin Chu - 886-3-6578-300 implemented on pins with analog functionality. These peripherals may conflict with Taiwan - Kaohsiung - 886-7-213-7830 analog features on other PIC24F PIMs. Make sure to add any necessary code to over- Taiwan - Taipei - 886-2-2500-6610 ride this analog functionality in your application or in the stack application you are using. Thailand - Bangkok - 66-2-694-1351 Some Explorer 16 Boards have a 5V LCD. If you are using a function which is multi- plexed onto these pins, on one of these boards, it may be necessary to manually drive the pins initially. The pin must be driven in order to ensure the bus is driven to either VDD or VSS, instead of floating at 5V. UART1 and SPI1 are multiplexed onto the same device pins as the temperature sensor and potentiometer on the Explorer 16 Board. Jumpers are provided to remove the analog temperature sensor and potentiometer functions from the PIM. Removing the jumpers will allow the SPI1 and UART1 to function correctly. Microchip Technology Inc. 2355 West Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Many PICtail Plus Daughter Boards use the EEPROM, SPI and UART2 (which has the RS-232 port functionality). These functions were mapped to ensure that they can be The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, and MPLAB are registered trademarks of Microchip Tech- used together to allow support for these boards. nology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. 2011, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A. All Rights Reserved. 01/11 DS51945AIntroducing the PIC24F32KA304 Plug-In Module Table 1: PIC24F32KA304 44-Pin to 100-Pinout Mapping Pin Functionality Explorer 16 Pin Explorer 16 Pin Functionality 1 SDA1/T1CK/U1RTS/CTED4/CN21/RB9 44 LCD4(RS)/AN15/CN12/RB15 2 U1RX/CN18/RC6 4 LCD4(D6)/RE6 3 U1TX/CN17/RC7 5 LCD4(D7)/RE7 4 OC2/CN20/RC8 59 LED(D6)/SDA2/RA3 5 IC2/CTED7/CN19/RC9 60 LED(D7)/TDI/RA4 6 IC1/CTED3/CN9/RA7 83 SWITCH(S3)RD6 7 C2OUT/OC1/CTED1/INT2/CN8/RA6 19 RE9/INT2 8 PGED2/SDI1/CTED11/CN16/RB10 11 EEPROM(MSDI)/RG7 9 PGEC2/SCK1/CTED9/CN15/RB11 10 EEPROM(SCK)/RG6 10 AN12+/LVDIN/CTED2/CN14/RB12 61 LED(D8)/TDO/RA5 11 AN11+/SDO1/CTPLS/CN13/RB13 12 EEPROM(MSDO)/RG8 12 OC3/CN35/RA10 38 LED(D4)/RA1/TCK 13 IC3/CTED8/CN36/RA11 58 LED(D5)/SCL2/RA2 14 CVREF/AN10+/C3INB/RTCC/C1OUT/OCFA/CTED5/INT1/CN12/RB14 84 SWITCH(S6)RD7 15 AN9+/C3INA/T3CK/T2CK/REFO/SS1/CTED6/CN11/RB15 79 EEPROM(CS)/RD12 16 VSS/AVSS GROUND 17 VDD/AVDD 3.3V 18 MCLR/VPP/RA5 13 MCLR 19 VREF+/CVREF+/AN0/C3INC/CTED1/CN2/RA0 20 POT/RB5/AN5 20 CVREF-/VREF-/AN1/CN3/RA1 21 TEMP/RB4/AN4 21 PGED1/AN2/CTCMP/C1IND/C2INB/C3IND/U2TX/CN4/RB0 50 U2TX/RF5 22 PGEC1/AN3/C1INC/C2INA/U2RX/CTED12/CN5/RB1 49 U2RX/RF4 23 AN4/C1INB/C2IND/SDA2/T5CK/T4CK/CTED13/CN6/RB2 91 LED(D9)/RA6 24 AN5/C1INA/C2INC/SCL2/CN7/RB3 92 LED(D10)/SWITCH(S5)/RA7 25 AN6/CN32/RC0 93 LCD4(D0)/RE0 26 AN7/CN31/RC1 94 LCD4(D1)/RE1 27 AN8+/CN10/RC2 98 LCD4(D2)/RE2 28 VDD 3.3V 29 VSS GROUND 30 OSCI/AN13+/CLKI/CN30/RA2 63 OSCI/CLKI/RC12 31 OSCO/AN14+/CLKO/CN29/RA3 64 OSCO/CLKO/RC15 32 OCFB/CN33/RA8 80 SWITCH(S4)/RD13 33 SOSCI/AN15+/U2RTS/CN1/RB4 SOSCI 34 SOSCO/SCLKI/U2CTS/CN0/RA4 SOSCO 35 SS2/CN34/RA9 17 LED(D3)/RA0 36 SDI2/CN28/RC3 99 LCD4(D3)/RE3 37 SDO2/CN25/RC4 100 LCD4(D4)/RE4 38 SCK2/CN26/RC5 3 LCD4(D5)/RE5 39 VSS GROUND 40 VDD 3.3V 41 PGED3/ASDA1(2)/CN27/RB5 27 PGED3 42 PGEC3/ASCL1(2)/CN24/RB6 26 PGEC3 43 INT0/CN23/RB7 81 LCD4(E)/RD4 44 SCL1/U1CTS/C3OUT/CTED10/CN22/RB8 82 LCD4(R/W)/RD5 DS51945A