X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of MCP42050-I/P Digital Potentiometer ICs across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. MCP42050-I/P Digital Potentiometer ICs are a product manufactured by Microchip. We provide cost-effective solutions for Digital Potentiometer ICs, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

MCP42050-I/P Microchip

MCP42050-I/P electronic component of Microchip
MCP42050-I/P Microchip
MCP42050-I/P Digital Potentiometer ICs
MCP42050-I/P  Semiconductors

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See Product Specifications
Part No. MCP42050-I/P
Manufacturer: Microchip
Category: Digital Potentiometer ICs
Description: Digital Potentiometer 50k Ohm 2 Circuit 256 Taps SPI Interface 14-PDIP
Datasheet: MCP42050-I/P Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 3.8837 ea
Line Total: USD 3.88 
Availability - 13
Ship by Tue. 18 Mar to Fri. 21 Mar
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 30
Multiples : 30
30 : USD 3.35
120 : USD 3.2625
270 : USD 3.1125
510 : USD 3.0625
1020 : USD 2.9625
2520 : USD 2.925
5010 : USD 2.875
7500 : USD 2.8375

Ship by Tue. 18 Mar to Fri. 21 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 3.8837
10 : USD 2.8564
30 : USD 2.3021
90 : USD 2.047
600 : USD 1.9288
900 : USD 1.8759

Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Tue. 11 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 3.4625
30 : USD 2.805
120 : USD 2.695

Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 30
Multiples : 30
30 : USD 4.5292
120 : USD 4.2413
270 : USD 4.0463
510 : USD 3.9812
1020 : USD 3.8512

Product Category
Temperature Coefficient
Number of POTs
Taps per POT
Wiper Memory
Digital Interface
Operating Supply Voltage
Operating Supply Current
Minimum Operating Temperature
Maximum Operating Temperature
Mounting Style
Termination Style
Package / Case
Hts Code
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the MCP42050-I/P from our Digital Potentiometer ICs category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the MCP42050-I/P and other electronic components in the Digital Potentiometer ICs category and beyond.

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Stock Image MCP42050-I/ST
Digital Potentiometer ICs 256 Step SPI 50kOhm
Stock : 70
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MCP41XXX MCP42XXX M MCP41XXX/42XXX Single/Dual Digital Potentiometer with SPI Interface Features Description 256 taps for each potentiometer The MCP41XXX and MCP42XXX devices are 256- position, digital potentiometers available in 10k , Potentiometer values for 10 k , 50 k and 50 k and 100k resistance versions. The 100 k MCP41XXX is a single-channel device and is offered in Single and dual versions an 8-pin PDIP or SOIC package. The MCP42XXX con- SPI serial interface (mode 0,0 and 1,1) tains two independent channels in a 14-pin PDIP, SOIC 1 LSB max INL & DNL or TSSOP package. The wiper position of the Low power CMOS technology MCP41XXX/42XXX varies linearly and is controlled via an industry-standard SPI interface. The devices con- 1 A maximum supply current in static operation sume <1 A during static operation. A software shut- Multiple devices can be daisy-chained together down feature is provided that disconnects the A (MCP42XXX only) terminal from the resistor stack and simultaneously con- Shutdown feature open circuits of all resistors for nects the wiper to the B terminal. In addition, the dual maximum power savings pin that performs the same MCP42XXX has a SHDN Hardware shutdown pin available on MCP42XXX function in hardware. During shutdown mode, the con- only tents of the wiper register can be changed and the Single supply operation (2.7V - 5.5V) potentiometer returns from shutdown to the new value. Industrial temperature range: -40C to +85C The wiper is reset to the mid-scale position (80h) upon power-up. The RS (reset) pin implements a hardware Extended temperature range: -40C to +125C reset and also returns the wiper to mid-scale. The MCP42XXX SPI interface includes both the SI and SO Block Diagram pins, allowing daisy-chaining of multiple devices. Chan- nel-to-channel resistance matching on the MCP42XXX RS SHDN varies by less than 1%. These devices operate from a V DD single 2.7 - 5.5V supply and are specified over the V SS PB0 extended and industrial temperature ranges. Resistor Wiper Control Array 0 Register Logic Package Types PA0 PW0 PDIP/SOIC PB1 CS CS 1 V 8 Wiper Resistor DD 16-Bit PA1 Register Array 1* SCK 2 7 PB0 SI Shift PW1 Register SI 6 3 PW0 SCK V 4 5 PA0 SS S0 *Potentiometer P1 is only available on the dual PDIP/SOIC/TSSOP MCP42XXX version. 14 CS 1 V DD 2 13 SCK SO SI 3 12 SHDN V 11 RS 4 SS PB1 5 10 PB0 PW1 9 PW0 6 PA1 7 8 PA0 2003 Microchip Technology Inc. DS11195C-page 1MCP41XXX/42XXX 1.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DC CHARACTERISTICS: 10 k VERSION Electrical Characteristics: Unless otherwise indicated, V = +2.7V to 5.5V, T = -40C to +85C (TSSOP devices are only specified at +25C and DD A +85C). Typical specifications represent values for V = 5V, V = 0V, V = 0V, T = +25C. DD SS B A Parameters Sym Min Typ Max Units Conditions Rheostat Mode Nominal Resistance R 8 10 12 k T = +25C (Note 1) A Rheostat Differential Non Linearity R-DNL -1 1/4 +1 LSB Note 2 Rheostat Integral Non Linearity R-INL -1 1/4 +1 LSB Note 2 Rheostat Tempco R / T 800 ppm/C AB Wiper Resistance R 52 100 V = 5.5V, I = 1 mA, code 00h W DD W R 73 125 V = 2.7V, I = 1 mA, code 00h W DD W Wiper Current I -1 +1 mA W Nominal Resistance Match R/R 0.2 1 % MCP42010 only, P0 to P1 T = +25C A Potentiometer Divider Resolution N 8 Bits Monotonicity N 8 Bits Differential Non-Linearity DNL -1 1/4 +1 LSB Note 3 Integral Non-Linearity INL -1 1/4 +1 LSB Note 3 Voltage Divider Tempco V / T 1 ppm/C Code 80h W Full Scale Error V -2 -0.7 0 LSB Code FFh, V = 5V, see Figure 2-25 WFSE DD V -2 -0.7 0 LSB Code FFh, V = 3V, see Figure 2-25 WFSE DD Zero Scale Error V 0 +0.7 +2 LSB Code 00h, V = 5V, see Figure 2-25 WZSE DD V 0 +0.7 +2 LSB Code 00h, V = 3V, see Figure 2-25 WZSE DD Resistor Terminals Voltage Range V 0 V Note 4 A,B,W DD Capacitance (C or C ) 15 pF f = 1 MHz, Code = 80h, see Figure 2-30 A B Capacitance C 5.6 pF f = 1 MHz, Code = 80h, see Figure 2-30 W Dynamic Characteristics (All dynamic characteristics use V = 5V) DD Bandwidth -3dB BW 1 MHz V = 0V, Measured at Code 80h, B Output Load = 30 PF Settling Time t 2 SV = V ,V = 0V, 1% Error Band, Transition S A DD B from Code 00h to Code 80h, Output Load = 30 pF Resistor Noise Voltage e 9 nV/Hz V = Open, Code 80h, f =1 kHz NWB A Crosstalk C -95 dB V = V , V = 0V (Note 5) T A DD B Digital Inputs/Outputs (CS, SCK, SI, SO) See Figure 2-12 for RS and SHDN pin operation Schmitt Trigger High-Level Input Voltage V 0.7V V IH DD Schmitt Trigger Low-Level Input Voltage V 0.3V V IL DD Hysteresis of Schmitt Trigger Inputs V 0.05V HYS DD Low-Level Output Voltage V 0.40 V I = 2.1 mA, V = 5V OL OL DD High-Level Output Voltage V V - 0.5 V I = -400 A, V = 5V OH DD OH DD Input Leakage Current I -1 +1 A CS = V , V = V or V , includes V SHDN=0 LI DD IN SS DD A Pin Capacitance (All inputs/outputs) C , C 10 pFV = 5.0V, T = +25C, f = 1 MHz IN OUT DD A c Power Requirements Operating Voltage Range V 2.7 5.5 V DD Supply Current, Active I 340 500 A V = 5.5V, CS = V , f = 10 MHz, DDA DD SS SCK SO = Open, Code FFh (Note 6) Supply Current, Static I 0.01 1 A CS, SHDN, RS = V = 5.5V, SO = Open (Note 6) DDS DD Power Supply Sensitivity PSS 0.0015 0.0035 %/% V = 4.5V - 5.5V, V = 4.5V, Code 80h DD A PSS 0.0015 0.0035 %/% V = 2.7V - 3.3V, V = 2.7V, Code 80h DD A Note 1: V = V , no connection on wiper. AB DD 2: Rheostat position non-linearity R-INL is the deviation from an ideal value measured between the maximum resistance and the minimum resistance wiper positions. R-DNL measures the relative step change from the ideal between successive tap positions. I = 50 A for W V = 3V and I = 400 A for V = 5V for 10 k version. See Figure 2-26 for test circuit. DD W DD 3: INL and DNL are measured at V with the device configured in the voltage divider or potentiometer mode. V = V and V = 0V. DNL W A DD B specification limits of 1 LSB max are specified monotonic operating conditions. See Figure 2-25 for test circuit. 4: Resistor terminals A,B and W have no restrictions on polarity with respect to each other. Full-scale and zero-scale error were measured using Figure 2-25. 5: Measured at V pin where the voltage on the adjacent V pin is swinging full-scale. W W 6: Supply current is independent of current through the potentiometers. DS11195C-page 2 2003 Microchip Technology Inc.

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