MPLAD6.5KP10CAE3 is a microcontroller unit (MCU) designed and manufactured by Microchip. It is a low-power, 8-bit microcontroller. The chip is based on the 8-bit MCU architecture and has a 6.5K program memory, 10-bit ADC, three Comparators, an EEPROM, an Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP) module, and three Timer units. It also has an 8-bit photo-voltaic mode to enable operation in low-light-level environments and built-in counters to simplify the network operations. The device also includes a range of peripherals, such as interrupt vector control, power-saving modes, sleep and deep-sleep modes, I/O pins, SSP and SSPi ports, SPI and I2C interfaces, and several communication protocols.