PIC14000 PIC14000 28-Pin Programmable Mixed Signal Controller High-Performance RISC CPU: Pin Diagram Only 35 single word instructions to learn PDIP, SOIC, SSOP, Windowed CERDIP All single cycle instructions except for program branches which are two cycle Operating speed: DC - 20 MHz clock input 28 RA1/AN1 1 RA2/AN2 27 RA0/AN0 2 RA3/AN3 4096 x 14 on-chip EPROM program memory 26 RD3/REFB 3 RD4/AN4 192 x 8 general purpose registers (SRAM) 25 RD2/CMPB 4 RD5/AN5 24 6 internal and 5 external interrupt sources RD1/SDAB 5 RD6/AN6 23 RD0/SCLB 6 RD7/AN7 38 special function hardware registers 22 OSC2/CLKOUT 7 CDAC Eight-level hardware stack 21 OSC1/PBTN 8 SUM 20 VDD 9 VSS Analog Peripherals Features: 19 VREG 10 RC0/REFA 18 RC7/SDAA 11 RC1/CMPA Slope Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter 17 RC6/SCLA 12 RC2 16 - Eight external input channels including two RC5 13 RC3/T0CKI 15 MCLR/VPP 14 RC4 channels with selectable level shift inputs - Six internal input channels - 16-bit programmable timer with capture register Digital Peripherals Features: - 16 ms maximum conversion time at maxi- 22 I/O pins with individual direction control mum (16-bit) resolution and 4 MHz clock High current sink/source for direct LED drive - 4-bit programmable current source TMR0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit Internal bandgap voltage reference programmable prescaler Factory calibrated with calibration constants 16-bit A/D timer: can be used as a general stored in EPROM purpose timer On-chip temperature sensor 2 Voltage regulator control output IC serial port compatible with System Two comparators with programmable references Management Bus On-chip low voltage detector CMOS Technology: Special Microcontroller Features: Low-power, high-speed CMOS EPROM technology Fully static design Power-on Reset (POR), Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) Wide-operating voltage range (2.7V to 6.0V) Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC Commercial and Industrial Temperature Range oscillator for reliable operation Low power dissipation (typical) Multi-segment programmable code-protection - < 3 mA 5V, 4 MHz operating mode Selectable oscillator options - < 300 m A 3V (Sleep mode: clocks stopped - Internal 4 MHz oscillator with analog circuits active) - External crystal oscillator - < 5 m A 3V (Hibernate mode: clocks Serial in-system programming (via two pins) stopped, analog inactive, and WDT disabled) Applications: Battery Chargers Battery Capacity Monitoring Uninterruptable Power Supply Controllers Power Management Controllers HVAC Controllers Sensing and Data Acquisition 1996 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS40122B-page 1 This document was created with FrameMaker404 PIC14000 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0: General Description........................................................................................................................... 3 2.0: Device Varieties ................................................................................................................................ 5 3.0: Architectural Overview ...................................................................................................................... 7 4.0: Memory Organization ...................................................................................................................... 13 5.0: I/O Ports .......................................................................................................................................... 25 6.0: Timer Modules................................................................................................................................. 37 2 7.0: Inter-integrated Circuit Serial Port (I C )........................................................................................ 41 8.0: Analog Modules for A/D Conversion ............................................................................................... 57 9.0: Other Analog Modules..................................................................................................................... 65 10.0: Special Features of the CPU........................................................................................................... 75 11.0: Instruction Set Summary ................................................................................................................. 91 12.0: Development Support.................................................................................................................... 103 13.0: Electrical Characteristics for PIC14000..........................................................................................107 14.0: Analog Specifications: PIC14000-04 (Commercial, Industrial)...................................................... 123 Appendix A:PIC16/17 Microcontrollers ....................................................................................................133 Index .........................................................................................................................................................143 PIC14000 Product Identification System ..................................................................................................149 To Our Valued Customers We constantly strive to improve the quality of all our products and documentation. To this end, we recently converted to a new publishing software package which we believe will enhance our entire documentation process and product. As in any conversion process, information may have accidently been altered or deleted. We have spent an excep- tional amount of time to ensure that these documents are correct. However, we realize that we may have missed a few things. If you nd any information that is missing or appears in error, please use the reader response form in the back of this data sheet to inform us. We appreciate your assistance in making this a better document. DS40122B-page 2 Preliminary 1996 Microchip Technology Inc.