The Microchip PIC18F27Q83-I/SS 8-bit Microcontrollers (MCU CAN) is a highly integrated, high performance, low power microcontroller. It has 128KB Flash, 13KB of RAM and 12-bit ADC3. It also includes UARTs, DACs, Compressors, PWM, CCP (Capture/Compare/Pulse Width Modifiers), CWG (Charge Pump Waveform Generator), HLT (High Level Timers), WWDT (Window Watchdog Timer), SCAN/CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check), ZCD (Zero Crossing Detector), PPS (Peripheral Pin Select), COMMS (Communications), IDLE/DOZE/PMD (Idle/Doze/Power Management Modes), and JTAG (Joint Test Action Group). This chip is suitable for use in embedded systems, automotive applications, consumer products, and other applications.