The PIC18LF4420-I/ML 8-bit microcontroller with Microchip Technology is specifically designed for cost, power and program memory constrained applications. It features 16KB of program memory with 768 RAM bytes, an IEEE standard 8-bit instruction set and a wide range of integrated periperals. Using low-power CMOS technology, it features 36 I/O ports, a 10-bit, six channel parallel ADC, and up to two comparators, allowing for up to 32 simultaneous multiplexed analog-to-digital conversions. This part has a maximum clock speed of 10 MIPS, a wide operating temperature range from -40°C to +85°C, and is available in 28-pin PDIP, SOIC, 44-pin MQFP and 20-pin SSOP packages. Key features include enhanced power management capabilities, nanoWatt power mode, sleep mode and core independent peripherals. It is suitable for use in applications such as consumer, industrial, automotive, and more.