The PIC32MX174F256D-I/ML is a 32-bit microcontroller manufactured by Microchip. This MCU features a 256KB flash memory, 64KB RAM, 44 pins, 3 computational cores, a capacitive touch-sensing module (CTMU), and a real-time clock calendar (RTCC). It is designed for applications requiring low-power, high-performance, and higher levels of integration. It includes a high-performance 32-bit MIPS M4K core, up to 192KB of flash memory, and numerous on-chip peripherals, such as USB 2.0 Full Speed device/host/OTG, 10/100 Ethernet MAC, up to 4 UARTs, 4 I2C interfaces and 4 SPI ports. It is capable of executing sophisticated algorithms and peripherals at high speed, offering excellent cost/performance ratios for a wide range of applications.