The PIC32MX220F032D-V/TL is a 32-bit Microcontroller (MCU) with an 8KB of Flash memory, 40MHz operating speed, 4 Direct Memory Access (DMA) channels, and a USB CTMU (Control and Timer Module) controller. It is designed and manufactured by Microchip, a leading manufacturer of computer and embedded system components. The MCU features a 32KB of RAM, Integrated Serial Communications (USART), I2C, SPI communication protocol support, an 8-channel 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), and 32 I/O pins. It supports a wide range of operating modes including low power, standby, sleep, watch, and idle. It also includes a number of peripheral features such as a watchdog timer, periodic interrupt timer, real-time clock, liquid crystal display (LCD) controller, pulse width modulation (PWM) engine, and Brown-out Detector (BOD). Additionally, its onboard Flash memory allows easy in-application programming (IAP) which enables firmware upgrades directly without needing to remove the device or connect any external wires or tools.