The PIC32MX230F128H-I/MR is a microcontroller manufactured by Microchip Technology. It is part of the PIC32MX series of microcontrollers which are based on the MIPS32 M4K microprocessor core. This microcontroller has 128KB of Flash program memory, 32KB of SRAM, as well as 6 KB of data EEPROM. It features 16 I/O pins, three analog to digital converters, one general purpose timer, one Real-Time Clock (RTC) timer, one Single-wire debug module, and one I2C host port. It also supports a variety of interfaces such as USB 2.0 Full Speed, SPI, UART and CAN. The operating voltage for this microcontroller is 3.3V, with an operating temperature range of -40ºC to 85ºC. The PIC32MX230F128H-I/MR is designed for low-power, cost-sensitive applications.