The PIC32MX230F256D-50I/PT microcontroller is a 32-bit microcontroller from Microchip Technology, Inc. It is part of the PIC32MX2/MXX/MX1 product families. This particular device features 256 KB Flash memory, 50 MHz MIPS32 M4K Core, 32 KB SRAM, low power consumption and high speed processing. It also offers up to 204 MHz CPU performance, Serial Peripherals (UART, I2C and SPI), 14 channels of 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Conversion, integrated USB 2.0 host/device/OTG controller, Ethernet controller and 64-pin LQFP and QFN package. It provides support for direct Memory Access (DMA), real-time clock (RTC) and on-the-fly programming. It also supports a wide range of peripherals, including an integrated ADC/DAC, general purpose and timer/counter peripherals, plus external bus interface and debugging features.