The PIC32MX270F512L-V/PT is a microcontroller designed and manufactured by Microchip Technology. It is a 32-bit microcontroller based on the MIPS32 M4K core, operating at 40 MHz. This MCU has 512KB of Flash memory, 128KB of RAM, and 5KB of Data EEPROM. It’s suited for low-power applications and offers multiple I/O options. It has a total of 87 digital I/Os, four UARTs, four SPI/I2S ports, three I2C ports, and four Parallel Master Ports. The PIC32MX270F512L-V/PT also features 8-channels of 10-bit analog to digital conversion, with a maximum sampling rate of 500 kS/s and operates from 1.8 to 3.6V. It has on-chip debugging without the need for an emulator and provides total pin-compatible drop-in replacement for the PIC24F16KA family.